In here \seek_thermal\unknown\com\tyriansystems\Seekware
There's a .bin file for an LPC43xx which is an NXP Cortex M4/M0 It is 32KB so I assume it is the firmware for the camera.
Nice chunk of text inside it:
WARN: iAP: ERROR: Halting at ms
,... Link Init
Unable to parse iAP Packet - Invalid packet length (expected at least 9 bytes)
Raw Packet - Unable to parse iAP Packet - Invalid Start-Of-Packet (expected 0xFF 0x5A)
Ctrl= SYN +ACK +EAK +RST +SLP PAN= SID= (Invalid)
Unable to parse iAP Packet Data Payload - Invalid payload size
Payload Checksum= RequestAuthenticationCertificate RequestAuthenticationChallengeResponse AuthenticationResponse AuthenticationFailed AuthenticationSucceeded StartIdentification IdentificationInformation IdentificationAccepted IdentificationRejected CancelIdentification IdentificationInformationUpdate StartExternalAcessoryProtocolSession StopExternalAcessoryProtocolSession StartPowerUpdates PowerUpdate StopPowerUpdates Unexpected session parameter size - Expected at least 4 bytes
ParamID= Len= Poorly structured session packet - Unable to continue parsing.
PowerMgrState_SlowSystemInitialization - PowerMgrState_EnumeratingUSB - PowerMgrState_ResponsiveSleep - PowerMgrState_SleepMode - PowerMgrState_RunMode - Performing system reset
WDT Warning
WDT Tiimeout
Setting up delayed event
ÿU îBad packet header
com.thermal.SeekThermal Target Platform: Received iAP Link Init echo from host. Platform determined to be iOS.
Invalid packet
ÿUÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿëTarget Platform: iAP IC not responding. Guessing Windows.
Cmd= (Unknown request)
Request handler returned with error
Request has no handler
USBD Suspend Event
USBD Resume Event
USBD Configure Event
USBD Reset Event
Implementation Error - Not enough memory for USB stack
Reseting EP1 IN
Implementation Error - Invalid queue count
Sending queued IN request
iAP To Dev
IN request has timed out - Resetting EP1 IN
Implementation Error - USBD failure
Waiting for packet ACK
iAP To Acc
Previous ExIAP packet was ACK'd
Some other packet was ACK'd!
iAP Acc - INVALID! Ignoring
USB OUT data received - More expected
Pending USB OUT request
BytesQueued= Ran out of buffer queue items
Buffering IN request PSN= Invalid request size - Sending error response - Unknown request Implementation Error - SUBI_LastError not set by VendorClass_HandleInRequest
Implementation Error - IN Request handler failed but there's no way to inform the host. Stalling EP (may cause app lock-up).
Implementation Error - SUBI_LastError not set by VendorClass_HandleOutRequest
Implementation Error - No IN or OUT request handler for request
` ÿ 8œ*** iAP Packet To Accessory (Pending) ***
USB OUT data received (Pending) - More expected
S1€Ý ·JùäÅ”¾ÔInvalid image processing mode
Cannot toggle shutter when in RUN and CHOP1/CHOP2/CSATIME
Invalid parameter
Invalid parameter 0
Invalid parameter 1
Invalid parameter 2
GetFirmwareInfo index= Invalid firmware information index
Invalid data size
Invalid attempt to dynamically switch target platform
Invalid data page
Canceling queued IN requests. Previous image was likely interrupted. IMPLEMENTATION ERROR!
Invalid memory region
Invalid backdoor key
Erasing flash at Flash erase failed
Programming flash at Flash write failed
Flash program validation failure
Updating RDAC in RAM
Updating VDAC in RAM
Updating CMD in RAM
Updating factory settings
Invalid shutter polarity
Erasing flash sector at Programming flash sector at Flash write failure
Done Invalid checksum
Writing memory region - New Image= Invalid image
Received image is a valid firmware image
Flash erase failure
Programming firmware image
Image programming verified
Erasing image select flash sector at Writing new image select flash sector
Image select flash write verified
Programming image select flash sector
Invalid image size
Canceling queued IN requests. IMPLEMENTATION ERROR!
Request does not have a defined IN EP action handler
Request sent during FW init
), Time= Request not served in SLEEP mode
Request not served in RUN mode
Dir=IN, Req= ( does not have a defined OUT EP action handler
Dir=OUT, Req= Ignoring request to non-zero interface
Target Platform: Received vendor class request. Guessing Windows.
GetErrorCode GetChipID ToggleShutter SetShutterPolarity GetShutterPolarity SetBITDataFeatures GetBITData SetOperationMode GetOperationMode SetIPMode GetIPMode SetDataPage GetDataPage SetCurrentCmdFeatures SetCurrentCmd GetCurrentCmd SetDefaultCmdFeatures SetFeaturedFlashData GetDefaultCmd SetVDACFeatures GetVDAC SetRDACFeatures SetRDAC GetRDAC GetFirmwareInfo GetFeaturedFirmwareData SetFeaturedFirmwareData CompleteMemoryUpgrade BeginFirmwareUpgrade ImageData TargetPlatform SetFirmwareInfoFeatures SetFactorySettingsFeatures GetFeaturedData ResetDevice SetRamDataFeatures ---| HardFault |---
Time: [Stack Frame]
R0= R1= R2= R3= R12= LR= PC= PSR= [FSR/FAR]
MMFAR= BFAR= LR/EXC_RETURN= Implementation Error
Processing is not keeping up with data TX. Buffer overrun is imminent.
Invalid frame header: Sync Lost: Restarting sensor interface
Unexpected frame index number. Expected but got Inconsistent Chip ID
6nStarting sensor comm check
Sensor comm check complete
Initializing USB system
Waiting for USB enumeration on Port 0...
BETA UNIT Canceling all queued USB requests
Reseting all OUT and IN endpoints
Entering SLEEP
Entering RUN mode
Sensor is not responding
USB connected
USB connection removed
Seek Thermal PIR206 Firmware (RELEASE-IMAGE)
Target Platform: Guessing IOS
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## i%ÿÿÐè Thermal Camera LW-AAA Seek Thermal, Inc. ABC123456789
® ®ê ® d ( iAP2 -
com.thermal.pir206.1 ( com.thermal.SeekThermal en
en S e e k T h e r m a l ,P I R 2 0 6 T h e r m a l C a m e r a i A P I n t e r f a c e *c o m . t h e r m a l . p i r 2 0 6 . 1