Thx for your feedback..Im im not sure what kind of coating this one states 0.5% pr surface for AR coating.
Most of these lenses are not headed for thermal infrared pictures but mostly centered to focal C02 lasers and the sellers, sadly don't know jack, as these usually just wholesalers, placing an order at third party on my behalf.
But its a 20mm GaAs at 15 USD delivered with a focal length at 4" 101.6 mm.
I can see he also has them in 1½" and 2" and 3" focal length..(so I reckon I could change it for a lower focal length if that was the obvious sum)
and I already have a ZnSE (cheap China orange version in 50mm FL and I reckon for variety purpose I would mix it up with a wider FL to see if there was any gain there, but on the other hand 101.5mm focal length would more or less be around the native lens in Seek pro as it seems to focus down to relative 10 to 15cm at closest point, so any gain for thermal-macro on a GaAs at 10.16CM FL?' here it would likely make more sense to go with the smallest focal length possible on these GaAs lenses' or ??)
But been pretty impressed with my cheap 8USD 50mm focal length ZnSE lens and its macro-ability and I love to fool around with wavelengths in different laser'diodes and here many of these lenses have wicked abilities to pass some wavelength and block others and so forward, not least ZnSE there are willing to pass high NM green and up, like yellow and red etc, but completely blocks blue and violet and partly low'end'nm green wavelengths... you reckon' any info to sense if this GaAs lens will be doable to thermal macro?? or is it a luck of a draw if it got the useable LWIR coating but then again 90% clear aperature 10.6um.