This item has been fully tested by our tech department and is in good working condition
Ask the seller? If it was tested, they must know what is it
Yep, I'm pretty curious about how they have tested it. 
They probably "tested it" the same way that sellers "recondition" their reconditioned equipment that they sell on E-Sucker. You know, the stuff that has broken broken knobs, bad displays, missing feet, cut off power cords and dirt, scrapes and scratches all over it.
Q: "Found in a dumpster in an industrial area?" Check > TESTED!
Just more eBay nonsense words.
"Tested" = We plugged it in/switched it on, something lit up and it didn't go bang. Nothing further is known.
"Stored in a climate controlled environment" = It was stored indoors at home, occasionally we might have had the air conditioner/heater/fan running.
"Working pull" = It was once working sometime in its history, so we just assume it still works now. Haven't tested/won't test it.
"New old stock" / "New in box" = We haven't tested it. Might work, might not. You take the gamble.
"Rare" = We found no or few other listings in the few seconds we spent searching ebay at the time of listing, so it
must be rare.
"Sold as-is" = There's something not quite right about this item, but it's up to you to piece it together from the photos/description.