You have probably found the below via Google already?
yup, but I haven't found anything really useful yet. Just a very old post on a mailing list, with the name of the manual, and a list of some commands.
Lauterbach has the same product name, but looking at their manual it seems totally unrelated to the firmware I have on the board as none of their commands work
Worse, I have a full licensed Lauterbach Trace32 at work paired with Windriver software. When I try to interface the target board via the serial line, again none of the queries seem to work, except "ID"
So 9600bps-8-n-1 is correct, the ID query works, but that's all that works.
In my opinion, if Lauterbach bought pROBE+ from Integrated Systems, Inc., they modified both the debugging protocol and the monitor commands making them not retro-compatible
I will be writing Lauterbach an e-mail in hopes that someone will have time to re-direct my question to some retired engineer who know anything about the old pROBE+ (1991-1997) from Integrated Systems, Inc.