Short answer? Yes, of course you can. But youre going to need a lot of surrounding logic to do so.
Longer answer:
The chip itself is not designed to (in)directly drive displays, so in order to do that you first have to read the registers of the chip that store the data, and then write those values to some kind of display driver. Typically that would be done via a CPU or some kind of MCU.
The MC146818 has a slightly more complicated bus where the address of the register you want to access is latched into the chip via the same pins that you also read and write data with, so this complicates the process of accessing the chip, especially via pure hardware. With a more traditional bus with a few address pins along side a data bus it would be conceivable to make a simpler hardware based state machine that loads an up/down counter with the appropriate starting address and reads out the required registers into some decoding circuitry while incrementing or decrementing the address of the register to read. Still, that is a lot of effort and the resulting PCB could be quite big.
Using an MCU will be much easier. Many e.g. Microchip PICs have what is called a "parallel master" peripheral that gives you a small piece of addressable external memory space which you can read and write like a regular memory device. This at least spares you from having to write a lot of software to mimick a CPU bus. Using something like this would help to simplify the logic and circuitry required to interface with the chip, and then interfacing via an SPI peripheral you could use something like some TLC9516 LED drivers to drive the displays themselves.
Food for thought.