If you're Australian, and a codger like me, you'll probably remember the Microbee, a little Z-80 machine with a really good basic, reasonable graphics, and (in later models) CP/M.
They're ridiculously rare and expensive these days, not to mention clapped out and unreliable.
To fix both problems I've developed a new one. It's 100% through-hole, with no special PLDs or other mechanisms to lock it down. It runs all Microbee software just like a later one, in full and glorious 16 colours. There's a design for a multi-rom board (SuperPAK) if you prefer a ROM based machine, plus a board with Compact Flash that runs CP/M, treating the CF card as a hard disk.
It's really easy to build, made with parts that aren't super hard to get, and heaps of fun.
Go check it out at the Microbee Software Preservation Project: