Products > Vintage Computing

Help me identify this sticker on an 80836


I just bought an 80386 on ebay with this white sticker with red half circle and arrow. The sticker looks original to the CPU. I wonder what it may mean. It's supposed to be from US. With all the super clean vintage CPUs I saw on ebay that ship directly from China, I can use some help identifying the origin of the processor just to give it a sense of authenticity in lieu of an actual test on a computer.

It's likely part of a warranty label that was applied to the CPU by an computer store/builder. Back in those days, particularly when CPU's didn't require heatsinks, it was common practice to stick a tamper-evident label over the socket and CPU to indicate removal. CPUs were a high value item, and the labels were used to prevent claims of people who didn't know what they were doing, removing the CPU, bending or breaking pins, and then claiming warranty on the unit.


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