Products > Vintage Computing

IBM P70, is it sellable?


I got too much stuff and wants to sell some as I dont have time to repair everything.

This is my IBM P70

Unfortunately I had a short loss of power when changing the bios backup battery and it lost its settings, the floppy drive is however also defective as with most of these units, so how much would you estimate it is worth? Ebay is not really that good a measure.

Nice machines. There’s plenty of PS/2 collectors out there. I’d stick it on eBay with a higher than usual buy it now and make me an offer turned on. If you’re happy with what you’re offered, go for it. Might take months to sell though.

In fact some of the Y2K compliant machines are still used in production in a few financial companies so there’s a market. They bought a pile of them to run in house EDI relay jobs still connected to physical Hayes modems. I don’t get to play with any these days. Boo hiss. That used to be fun.

There's definitely a market for them. PS/2 and Thinkpad collectors is a thing.

In fact, I'm tempted to make you an offer just for that nice PS/2 nostalgia.

looks a nice machine, i am sure you'll find a buyer for it on ebay

those luggable types can make great retro systems because they pack away much more neatly than a desktop system with monitor etc


--- Quote from: wilfred on November 13, 2017, 10:49:18 pm ---
--- Quote from: madsbarnkob on November 12, 2017, 03:39:06 pm --- so how much would you estimate it is worth? Ebay is not really that good a measure.

--- End quote ---
If you look at the "sold" listings under advanced search then you will find a few.  If you look under "completed" for the unsold listings you may see more sales where the price was too optimistic and that might help set an upper limit for your expectations. Then there is the unsold completed that later became sold after either the price was dropped or the seller was patient.

There can be more information than you might think in the Ebay listings.

For collectors it might be no great disadvantage if relatively simple repairs are needed. They may prefer a machine that hasn't been tampered with and may have hidden issues as a result of bodgey repair attempts.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for the ebay search tips, despite I have bought a lot and sold some, I did not know this was possible :)

So far I only repaired the power supply with new electrolytic capacitors, a standard and non-bodgery job :)


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