Awesome, good find, yes that's almost definitely it! Industrial control makes sense as an application: doesn't need raw processing power, so non-bleeding-edge is fine, but just needs to be proven and reliable but without all the aerospace-level environmental robustness.
Pretty sure this is a relay or other load driver. The circuitry is arranged as 8 Darlingtons, with a 100Ω resistor across the lower base-emitter, with the collectors broken out separately and the emitters tied to 2 common power grounds (one for each side). Each collector (/output) has a catch diode to another common point, which is probably the load power supply. The NAND gates are essentially used as inverters, with one input left floating (which is equivalent to a high input - see gate schematic attached). Darlington bases are directly driven by the gate outputs. Each output is driven by 2 NAND-gates-as-inverters with their outputs connected together (specifically recommended by the datasheet, and works because of the open-collector-and-pull-up config. of the outputs): one gate input goes to a unique pin (the control input), and the other gate input goes to a common pin.
At first I thought this common input was a lamp-test input that would unconditionally enable all the outputs, but realized I was being thrown off by the datasheet's "wired-OR" description of connecting gate outputs together, when it's really more like a "wired-AND" - either gate can pull the shared output low and keep the Darlington off. So instead, this common input looks like a global enable that allows the individual outputs to be enabled separately.
The yellow cap in the lower-left is for filtering on the logic power supply. The 4 blue caps are weird though: they connect to 4 individual pins on one side (and nothing else), and to the power grounds on the other side.