Products > Vintage Computing

Is this a legit vendor/site?


Alex Eisenhut:
It says "Recycling technology since 1988, The WYSIWYG Place", website looks about the same era ...

The contact link doesn't bring much clarity...


--- Quote from: Alex Eisenhut on April 02, 2024, 06:57:01 pm ---
It says "Recycling technology since 1988, The WYSIWYG Place", website looks about the same era ...

The contact link doesn't bring much clarity...

--- End quote ---

Wow maybe at one time it was legit. $19 for a Pentium overdrive for 486! Considering one recently sold on eBay for around USD$150 I think I'd say no. It's not in stock anyway, but so many items are out of stock.

You could just contact the guy and see what he says. He may not respond and then you'd have your answer.


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