Products > Vintage Computing
My HP 85A
I started posting about this computer after Dave had acquired one and made a few videos of it. Sadly, mine was not in working condition and I have slowly been working on going through it. I posted several pictures of it in Dave's original Blog.
Neat. What will its role be in your lab once you've got it up and running again? Some nifty automation for testing meters?
I was looking on some of the forums and various sites and saw some person who made a small solid-state disk drive emulator for it. It looks like they had a card reader on it. I'm amazed at what some people have taken the time to do with these old machines.
Maybe I can get it to spin a tape or something.
Yeah, solid state storage is really popular for reviving vintage computing devices. I'm almost tempted to pull out some of my old computers. Too many projects. ;D
I know what you mean. I have been making time to go over some of mine that are in need of repairs. This one has never ran since I've had it. It was used in the service group at HP until it was scrapped. The rubber had already decayed by then and sadly I did not take the time to do anything with it. The foam and rubber did a lot of damage.
For those of you who wondered if this old computer would ever run again, enjoy the video.
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