And there was me, thinking you might have bought a Henge…
Can't. My house is full, and my garden wouldn't be big enough for anything more than a model. Must admit I'm wondering about an electronic (c.f. mechanical) analogue computer, though. It would make a nice conversation piece in the lounge.
But on the way back from picking the calculator up from the auction house, I
did walk inside a tomb (again)[1], see "the tallest prehistoric human-made mound in Europe" (not supposed to climb it, boo hiss), and visit the largest stone circle in the world.
The latter is much more peasant than Stonehenge; while I have greatly enjoyed eating a picnic on the stones, nowadays it is an unpleasant place. And Stanton Drew circle is much nicer now.
[1] not Hetty Pegler's Tump; you have to crawl into that.