Products > Vintage Computing

Old IBM compatible PC/XT/AT cards

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Scan of the magazine article

I have the Maplin 8255 card here on my desk & was thinking how useful it was back in the day. We used to do all sorts of tricks with the IBM printer port (parallel, lpt, centronics) but this was a dedicated I/O board which was really nice.
Heres the full article:

Just seeing this old thread since it was bumped recently.

I've collected and discarded countless old ISA, MicroChannel, AGP, and other legacy cards since the 80's.

Joe showed an IRMA card in his first post, which is what prompted me to respond. Back in the mid-80's I interned (later hired, but didn't stay long) for ICOT Network Systems which was probably IRMA's biggest competitor in 3270 cards. I wrote the character generator software (in x86 assembler) for those cards. I still have a greenbar printout of that asm code somewhere. Preserved for posterity, as it was my first "commercial" software product that I wrote entirely by myself. :)

Canis Dirus Leidy:
Some old graphics card. The seller claims that it's a HGC clone.

thoses capacitors are huge  loll

you have an pcie to isa interface ...


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