I have a KB5151 for the AT&T (Olivetti) system that’s misbehaving. Likely it’s a bad IC, of which there’s several, including TTL, bespoke chips, an Intel microcontroller and an eprom.
At the moment, I’m trying to see if I can dump the eprom. Unfortunately, I don’t think my cheap Chinese TL866 is up to the task. I seem to recall that older EPROMs aren’t readable by newer / cheaper programmers, though. What’s more, I can’t seem to find any documentation on the chip itself.
Specifically, the eprom is a National chip, 24-pin DIP, with “UMWA098” and “LB9024” stamped on the chip. The sticker over the window has the number “258701” on it with a 1986 copyright. I suspect that’s in reference to the firmware, as Keytronic part numbers appear to have been much longer.
Anyway, I read in the schematics and parts list that this is a “2796” eprom, which, so far as I can tell, doesn’t really exist. I doubt it’s 96K as the Intel microcontroller only required a 4K external ROM, though it may well be.
Any thoughts?