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What was the internet like in 1989, heres a reproduction you can navigate!

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That was way before my time by about 5 years. The internet I remember when we first got it through my dads work over a terminal, that I thought was the coolest thing ever because it was like a computer the size of a DVD player and had PCMA slots instead of floppy disks, was much different. I used to use webcrawler and altavista, this was when the internet had too little info on it. A few years later it was in the goldie locks zone where you got what you needed and could look at almost every thing not like now where its page 1 of 134,635,678. Who goes past page two? Seriously is there a bar graph that shows how many people go past page one? If you have a business and you type in a key word and city or zip and youre not on page one you dont exist.

That is about the world wide web, not the internet.

I suggest you change the title.


--- Quote from: Beamin on February 10, 2021, 08:18:25 pm ---That was way before my time by about 5 years.

--- End quote ---

I sent my first email in 1984 :)


--- Quote from: JohnnyMalaria on February 10, 2021, 09:49:05 pm ---
--- Quote from: Beamin on February 10, 2021, 08:18:25 pm ---That was way before my time by about 5 years.

--- End quote ---

I sent my first email in 1984 :)

--- End quote ---

Using "bang addressing" I presume.

I remember it was complicated (you had to string addresses together) and the addresses were backwards (e.g., I was sending emails to a friend at a different university in the UK using JANET and a Multics mainframe.


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