I am considering a very simple design, like
this (Grant's 7-chip Z80 computer, ~2007)
It has
Memory Map
0x0000..0x1FFF ROM 08Kbyte
0x8000..0xFFFF RAM 32Kbyte
with a CS8900 10baseT network card memory mapped between 0x2000 and 0x2000+8Kbyte.
The gadget application I have in mind is very simple:
- it has no operating system like FreeRTOS, ucOS/2 or similar
- it just needs to communicate via serial line to receive simple commands
- it just needs to communicate via network via UDP/IP to receive data.
- it also needs to show a few messages on a text-LCD.
So, the ROM should contain:
- serial 6850 driver, interrupt driven.
- a tiny monitor, able to show the memory in hex, jump to an address, and to load SREC from the network
- the cs8900 driver
- the udp/ip network primitives { send(), receive() }
- HD44780 LCD driver, 2x16 text
Do you think it is feasible with CC=SDCC/z80 in 8Kbytes of ROM?
Otherwise, I can write parts in z80-assembly, to integrate with the udp/ip part that I would like to write in C instead
What do you think