General > Work Wanted

[Helsinki, Finland] how is the electronics design job market?


My wife and I are thinking of moving to Finland with the kids in a few years. She is Finnish. We currently live in Amsterdam (NL) and I work as an EE, designing electronics. I specialise in electronics for scientific equipment: analog circuitry, microcontroller firmware, nothing high speed but quite some low noise, low current leakage stuff. I love the interfaces between electronics and mechanics/fluidics/optics...

But... how is the job market in Finland? Helsinki greater area to be more specific (the family lives there). I know there is a lot of software companies, infrastructural and energy/power engineering, but cannot easily find out what the electronics design world (if any?) looks like.

Are there any Finns on the board who know? Or foreigners based in Finland?

It sucks. EE wages are shit compared to NL and DE. If you are a software engineer however, good place to be.

Except, economic recession currently.

Compared to abroad, the wages are not great.
And at the same time all the companies with EE's complain that they cannot find people for their positions.
But what they often want exotic skillsets with FPGA and mmW experience for example.

All that said, I'm personally doing decently.


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