Hello my Friends!
Because of the situation here in Russia, I can no longer live here. Most people are zombified

, the other are threatened with imprisonment for 10..15 years.
I have a small business here (on eBay), buying/selling refurbishment and calibration of measuring equipment for Worldwide home DIY-ers.
Fluke, Tektronix, Lecroy, Keithley, R&S, IFR(Aeroflex), Omega, Bruel&Kjaer, G.R.A.S, Flir, GWInstek e.t.c... mid grade equip (most 0,5-8K$)
With 5-6К$/mounth income.
And I can increase my income by x10...30. From anywhere in Europe or USA/Canada.
I can swich there to the upper-grade and pro-grade equipments.
Ready to join the projects to restore, repair or service of the equipment on the customer side.
I have a bachelor's degree in telecommunications and informatics.
Ready to discuss any REAL suggestions.