General > Work Wanted

EET grad looking for work in North America

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I recently graduated from Purdue University's College of Technology with  a BS in Electrical Engineering Technology (Yes, they are ABET accredited).

My background (elective classes,final projects, etc.) is in controls (PLCs and process control techniques), embedded programming (C on Atmel AVR especially), and communications/RF. I'd prefer to focus on embedded electronics but honestly I'll consider a much wider variety of positions.

I'd prefer to stay in the Midwestern United States (Indiana especially), but I'm open to moving to any location that speaks English (domestic and abroad).

My senior capstone project was the re-engineering of an inductively heated vacuum casting machine; it involved reverse engineering of analog, digital, and power electronics, conversion of such to a modern design (which included embedded programming), design of a new PCB, and troubleshooting of the system.

My resume (which includes other info) is attached to this post. The highly detailed final report of the aforementioned project is available upon request (not attached due to file size).

Curious, was the induction heating in association with a company?


^Yes and No. It was for a 3rd party, who bought the machine (made for jewelry) to cast model engine parts. The machine was missing the control circuitry, which is why the project existed in the first place.

He also owns his own design/prototyping firm and his employees were working on it before I did, so in a way it was for a company? With small businesses like this, the line between personal projects and company projects is quite blurry.

3 months later, still looking. I'd post more but in fear of a potential employer judging my opinion I am not posting more on the subject (although this may get me judged anyway, talk about a catch 22).

Ok, so here's my take on this: You need to market yourself better. Nobody will get impressed by a one-page resume, especially not after one-shot post. I know from experience that one thinks that people should be impressed by ones accomplishments because one went through so much struggle to get that degree in the first place. Here's the thing: nobody cares. There are hundreds and thousands of engineers with the same or better skills competing for the same jobs. What you have to do is to *market* your services much better. Create a super-impressive web site. Create videos, show-casing what you know and your personality, create articles, etc. Use Internet and the "new media" as a TV (promotion) rather than a mailbox (sending resume). Hiring managers will only pay attention when they see something that stands out from the masses. This applies to any product or service out there.

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