Author Topic: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US  (Read 17871 times)

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Offline ali_asadzadehTopic starter

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Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« on: January 12, 2023, 03:01:40 pm »
Dear all
For most of the times, I had run my own company (under 5 people), Now I have decided to immigrate to US, so my plan is to find a company that can send me a sponsor visa and work for them for a few years, then when I have enough knowledge of the US, start my own company again there, so here is my resume, please help me refine it so I can achieve my goal.
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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2023, 09:05:28 pm »
 ::) ??? Looking into Youtube and you will find many Video who are convince me not even Travel to the US!  :scared:
Crimes who here in good old Europe are not even be known.
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Offline jpanhalt

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2023, 10:37:03 pm »
There are places in the US that I don't go to either, except when I have to travel through Chicago to get somewhere.  I am sure to do that during the day. 

We have a great places in the Southeast, Midwest, mountain states, and Southwest.  Even Elon Musk migrated to Texas from California.  Don't let the tabloid stories about the Pacific and some parts of our Northeast discourage you.

Have you read about the Louisiana purchase done under President Jefferson and his successor Monroe, 3rd and 5th Presidents, respectively?  Our MIdwest is very roughly that area.  I grew up in LA, it was much different then (late 1940's through 1960's), and have spent all of my professional life in the Midwest.  Freedom as we have in America has its drawbacks, but the advantages outweigh them.

Offline james_s

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2023, 11:19:02 pm »
::) ??? Looking into Youtube and you will find many Video who are convince me not even Travel to the US!  :scared:
Crimes who here in good old Europe are not even be known.

Much of the US is as safe as anywhere else in the world, parts of it are not. It's a big and diverse country, nearly as large as the entirety of Europe and there are certainly parts of Europe that have a lot of crime. The news only shows you the bad things, you rarely hear about the hundreds of millions of people that go about their daily lives without anything bad happening.
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Offline ali_asadzadehTopic starter

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2023, 08:14:03 am »
Thanks for the feedback, But my actual question is helping me to find a job there, ^-^ and possibley go there, if I do not like it, I can move back.
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Online IanB

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2023, 12:40:44 am »
Thanks for the feedback, But my actual question is helping me to find a job there, ^-^ and possibley go there, if I do not like it, I can move back.

To get a job in the USA, your employer has to prove that you have unique skills that cannot be found already in the USA. The customs and immigration service is quite zealous about this, and they can, and will, revoke a visa and deport someone they don't think satisfies the uniqueness test even after that someone has moved to the US and started work.

In short, to get a job in the USA your employer has to prove that you have a unique combination of skills that nobody else has, and that they need to fulfill by hiring you.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2023, 12:43:02 am by IanB »
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Offline ali_asadzadehTopic starter

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2023, 07:47:20 am »
Thanks for the feedbacks.
ASiDesigner, Stands for Application specific intelligent devices
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Offline jpanhalt

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2023, 08:04:16 am »
To get a job in the USA, your employer has to prove that you have unique skills that cannot be found already in the USA. The customs and immigration service is quite zealous about this, and they can, and will, revoke a visa and deport someone they don't think satisfies the uniqueness test even after that someone has moved to the US and started work.

In short, to get a job in the USA your employer has to prove that you have a unique combination of skills that nobody else has, and that they need to fulfill by hiring you.

I agree, it can be difficult.  What we did was post the job description in various professional journals.  Then after getting no responses, we hired the individual. That was over 20 years ago. I am not aware of any subsequent problems he has had.

The onus is on the employer and getting reliable advice is essential.  We used an immigration attorney.  It is a niche area of law.  What would make an employer go through that?  A well qualified applicant.  Just wanting to come is not enough.

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2023, 08:31:31 am »
Nothing against your nationality, as you originated from Iran, going to America is not one of the greatest choice, at least in the current geopolitical situation where Iranians can be seen as enemy combatant in those "land of free" as you desire.  >:D

Offline james_s

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2023, 04:23:21 pm »
To get a job in the USA, your employer has to prove that you have unique skills that cannot be found already in the USA. The customs and immigration service is quite zealous about this, and they can, and will, revoke a visa and deport someone they don't think satisfies the uniqueness test even after that someone has moved to the US and started work.

In short, to get a job in the USA your employer has to prove that you have a unique combination of skills that nobody else has, and that they need to fulfill by hiring you.

That's how it should work. In practice I have worked at more than one company that posted fake job listings for jobs that were already filled by H1B visa holders in order to "prove" that they were looking for American citizens and couldn't find them. In reality all applications for those positions just went into the trash, they job was already filled, they weren't actually trying to hire anybody.

Offline james_s

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2023, 04:26:01 pm »
Nothing against your nationality, as you originated from Iran, going to America is not one of the greatest choice, at least in the current geopolitical situation where Iranians can be seen as enemy combatant in those "land of free" as you desire.  >:D

I work with several people from Iran and that has not been the case in my company. Maybe it's like that in some regions but not here. I work with several people formerly from Russia too and they don't seem to have problems. Most of us are able to separate a citizen from a particular country from the government of that country.
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Online IanB

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2023, 04:42:25 pm »
That's how it should work. In practice I have worked at more than one company that posted fake job listings for jobs that were already filled by H1B visa holders in order to "prove" that they were looking for American citizens and couldn't find them. In reality all applications for those positions just went into the trash, they job was already filled, they weren't actually trying to hire anybody.

Yes. On the other hand, USCIS can also visit a place of employment and interview a visa holder. If they do not find the answers satisfactory, they can revoke the visa so that the worker has to leave the country. I have seen that happen.

Offline jpanhalt

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2023, 04:49:33 pm »
Nothing against your nationality, as you originated from Iran, going to America is not one of the greatest choice, at least in the current geopolitical situation where Iranians can be seen as enemy combatant in those "land of free" as you desire.  >:D

I work with several people from Iran and that has not been the case in my company. Maybe it's like that in some regions but not here. I work with several people formerly from Russia too and they don't seem to have problems. Most of us are able to separate a citizen from a particular country from the government of that country.

I couldn't agree more.  Sure, there are ignoranti in every country, but no professional I know would have any bias based on your nationality.  The CEO of one of the places I worked was Iranian.  I have freely hired Iraqis, Iranians, and Egyptians.

Offline bdunham7

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2023, 04:51:14 pm »
Yes. On the other hand, USCIS can also visit a place of employment and interview a visa holder. If they do not find the answers satisfactory, they can revoke the visa so that the worker has to leave the country. I have seen that happen.

If you have a reasonably compliant employer who hires a competent immigration attorney, you're unlikely to have that issue.  Most of the problems result from sloppy compliance (if you can even call it compliance in some cases) and poor planning.  You can say the same thing about taxes--the IRS can audit you, visit you and then refer you for prosecution.  The question is how badly do you have to screw up for that to happen--and the answer is 'pretty badly'.  It still happens, though. 
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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2023, 05:22:37 pm »
Seems OP has not done his due diligence and is not familiar with the process. This makes him an easy target for all sort of immigration scamming artists who will rob him of a good chunk of his money and disappear. Just saying.
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Offline karpouzi9

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Re: Help me refine my resume, so I can immigrate to US
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2023, 07:25:44 pm »
Nothing against your nationality, as you originated from Iran, going to America is not one of the greatest choice, at least in the current geopolitical situation where Iranians can be seen as enemy combatant in those "land of free" as you desire.  >:D

I can confirm what everyone else has said, this is 100% false.

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