General > Work Wanted

I am looking for a pcb designer and serious projects will be given.

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I am looking for a pcb designer and serious projects will be given.


--- Quote --- 30000 thousand dollars
--- End quote ---
you sure about that salary?

Kim Christensen:

--- Quote from: themadhippy on October 18, 2023, 10:56:29 pm ---
--- Quote --- 30000 thousand dollars
--- End quote ---
you sure about that salary?
--- End quote ---

Well, 30,000 Guatemalan Quetzals is around $3825 US dollars...  :D

--- Quote from: hummerjanne on October 18, 2023, 09:37:42 pm ---We will work in groups for this project.
--- End quote ---

Not sure how many ways this would be split.  ::)

People really need to be more precise when posting contract offers.

Thirty million dollars is a big offer. I am not a PCB expert, but I congratulate whoever wins this contest!


--- Quote ---Thirty million dollars is a big offer. I am not a PCB expert,
--- End quote ---
You dont need to be,offer the hiring agent 5 million to give you the job,pay the best designer you can find 10 million  to do the job,and pocket 15 million.Same  way government  works gets awarded.


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