I need someone to design the circuit, pcb and write a code (if we choose to use microcontroller)
The project is Pomodoro timer
By using pins and jumper header you setup what is the working length (like 30 minutes), and relax time like 5 minutes (see the image attached).
When you click the button the timer starts. LED progress bar shows countdown progress. Once 30 minutes pass - buzzer produces sound. Then the relax 5 minutes timer starts showing the led progress bar in different color. After 5 minutes of relaz timer buzzer produces different sound.
I want this to be done with the cheapest possible components. Initially was thinking of implementing without microcontroller, but it seems it would be more expensive due to bigger amount of components.
Please ask your questions or write your proposals
Put more description here -
https://lagomedge.notion.site/Pomodoro-timer-PCB-64a54a10afe3406ea3653baea46db0fb?pvs=4Please PM me with you proposal, price, etc.