General > Work Wanted
Internationnal work placement lookout
Hello all,
I am a first year embedded electronic engineering apprentice in a three year engineering course in ITII Pays de la Loire (Industrial Engineering Institute) in Nantes (France). To complete my training, I must carry out a work placement for nine weeks between July and August 2016. This work placement is free of charge for the company that would take me in, but the company should not be in a french speaking country/state (example: Luxembourg, or Quebec state in Canada).
Thus I am posting this announce here on the forum. If someone know of a company that would be interested in this offer, or is interested as a company member feel free to contact me by mail at, personal message or phone call (I might not answer immediately to the phone call since I cut it off when working).
I provide my resume in the attachments, and here is a to the international project from my institute :
Thank you in advance for your answers.
envoyez nous votre CV en PM
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