General > Work Wanted

Looking for fulltime job in germany


I am looking for a full time job in Germany as a software and hardware developer. Either remote in all Germany or with on site days in Lower Saxony.
I have ~8 years professional experience and ~25 years of hobby electronics experience. My thing is making electronics and firmware of all kinds.
It includes system design, component searching and system planing. Schematics and circuit design mostly digital but I will also handle opamps, adc's etc. and lay outing. Building and testing prototypes. Firmware coding for microcontrollers in bare metal or with RTOS in C/C++ and also assembly (although assembly on a 32bit ARM is no picknick). I can also create technical 3D printing stuff for cases, holders etc. Pretty much an all rounder. 
Apart from that I worked directly with customers and support for production as the got-to guy if there are any problems. I love my job and am very passionate about it. But I don't like the company I work at any more. So I am slowly starting to look around.
If any one is interested I can send a complete portfolio/resume and a showcase of my projects via email and a link to my website (that is currently outdated) if it is a verifiable company contact.
Kind regards.

With the focus on formal degrees which is still prevalent in Germany, it might help if you also indicate whether you have a relevant formal training/education/degree?


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