Ok...I'll toss my Harley Davidson hat in the ring.

Grad Engineer, 32 years experience....Petrochemicals, TV production, Technical Vocational training. New product Dev (technology).
M.I.T. electronics Design circa 2013.
10 National & International Innovation awards including from the Caribbean Climate Innovation Centre and the UNDP Green Innovation Challenge.
Electronic design incl. PCB prototyping and assembly. SMT is fine.
Gear Various O'scopes (6) mostly Rigol and Tektronix (both CRT analog & digital types) up 4Ghz bandwidth and isolation probes.
Saleae Logic analyzer
HP 8753D VNA with upgraded ROMs
Agilent 8973A Noise Figure Analyzer
Rigol DSA 815 Spectrum Analyzer with EMC kit
Various vintage Tektronix mainframe & plugins
Rigol 5 1/2 & 6 1/2 benchtop DMMS
Fluke 87V DMMs
SM8124 battery ESR meter
Boonton 4210 RF microwattmeter
BIRD model 43 RF wattmeter
Dekavider DV 411 Preciison voltage divider resistor array
MASTECh 5308 LCR meter
KORAD 3005D and circuitspecialists Dual PSUs
AOYUE 866 HOT air solderstations x 4
Digital curvetracer for component performance validation
FLIR E8 thermal imaging system
HP 5386A Frequency Counter (3Ghz)
Rigol 1022A Function gen
EEVblog uCurrent GOLD

Variac & isolation Xformer
Ion Physics pulse current monitor
S'ware used Adobe Creative Suite, Proteus ISIS, EAGLECAD, LTspice, Micro CAp12, AWR design environment, Spectrum lab. PIC assembly language as well as C
Basic Mechanical Fab with laser cutting and 3D printing.
Full power tool set including DELTA drill press, chops saws, Proxxon PCB drill presses, PCB rotary table saw, Hot air plastic shaping, etc.
My page:
https://hackaday.io/projects/hacker/10957Have supplied custom vintage built items like Tektronix SG-504 leveling heads to 30 countries globally. Shipping one to France today...the tenth to that territory.