Just spotted this post has been moved to the work wanted section, can't believe it's almost been 6 months since I last posted.
Sorry I didn't leave any feedback. I ended up in the last two for the job with the medical company but they went with the other guy so I went for the one up in Bella Vista.
I takes an hour to get there which isn't as bad I was expecting but we are planning to move close when our current rental tenancy runs out.
Job is great otherwise and I'm learning plenty as I joined right when the products were getting an overhaul and one is going to be completely redesigned so that has kept me busy that the last few months have disappeared, that and exploring in and around Sydney.
I was surprised they had quite a bit of trouble finding good candidates, they were looking for another engineer after I joined but they had already stopped taking new applications when I joined, they interviewed quite a few numpties that had trouble with the quick paperand soldering test that they give.
It seems tough on both sides, finding a good job and finding good employees, I guess it's the same everywhere and it just comes down to the right place at the right time.
Thanks for all the advice along the way, I'll stick up a post if we start looking again, which might be sometime soon