Thanks for the link. As shown in your first link, indeed it is the ProtoPasta filament that I am using !
No, definitively not using it for strength.
As the specs sheets points out, it contains amorphous carbon black/polymer to create an electric conductive 3D print.
I use it to make non-standard sample holders for my scanning electron microscope (SEM).
The sample needs to be conductive and the sample holder also, otherwise the electron beam will create an accumulation of charge that deflects the backscattered electrons and distorts and blooms the resultant image and EDS results.
The Hackaday article I was pointing out to however are using carbon fibers and tubes to strengthen the print but, as you can see in the SEM pictures the small size and sharpness of particles could have health effects.
So, some caution might be appropriate until further studies are done with that particular type.