I have an LED and a custom grid for LEDs. (It needs to be offset, so the global grid won't work)
The LED is off grid. I would like to align it to the my custom grid for LEDs.

Unfortunately, when I try to use the align to grid tool. It always uses the global grid (which lacks support for offsets). Even though the global grid is disabled, if the global grid was set to 100x100mm the part would be moved off screen to the nearest global grid coordinate when I click "align to grid".

The exact center of the part it its (0,0)
What are some easy ways to align the part's origin, or the part's center, or some edge of the part with the grid, without manually editing the X/Y coordinates.
(Can scripts align parts to particular grids?)
I feel as though I'd have to first align one LED to the grid by typing in coordinate and then use the align top/left tool to get subsequent LEDs aligned to the grid. (But it is easy to get off grid that way)