If you need fairly large capacitance measurement and don't do it often, all you need to do is put a resistor in series and a stop watch, and calculate its time constant. ohms x farad = Vdc x 0.63
So if you want to measure what you think is 2200 uF use a 10k resistor for practicality:
.0022 F x 10,000 ohms = 22 seconds. Pass say 10V to it and when it hits 6.3V you can calculate the actual capacitance from the known resistor. If you know the output resistance of your DMM well and its voltage, you can measure capacitance directly from the DMM with just the stop watch.
seconds/ohms = capacitance in farads
Because small capacitance is harder to stop watch, you need large resistors to be practical, its better for DMM with onboard capacitance to measure the small ones, because the larger caps can easily be time constant measured.