Hi all,
I'm not an owner of an electronic load, but I'd like to understand how this instrument could be used.
Could you please explain em better the test methods used by these instrument?
For CC I think I have very clear ideas (I hope

), but I've some doubt on the behaviour for CV and I'm totally lost for CR.
VOLTAGE source.
In particular this method is used to investigate the ability of a power source (power supplies, linear regulators...)
to provide a stable (or defined) output VOLTAGE under load condition.
The electronic load will sink current and monitor the voltage.
For example, I know that I can test a linear regulator loading it with the maximum current he can provide, and if the voltage provided drop under the expecting value, the regulator is bad.
The same for a power supply, or to test a battery by monitoring its voltage drop with various load connected.
I think that CC is very easy to understand, more or less it's basically like connecting a specific wattage bulb to a battery or a psu and measuring the voltage on its terminals. Am I wrong?
CURRENT source.
I know that this method can be used to test, for example, battery chargers: to see the exact amount of current they provide while charging and/or if they detects correctly the "delta peak" when the battery reach its terminal voltage.
But what will be the behaviour of the electronic load in this method? I mean, in CC the load will sink CURRENT, but what in CV?

It will PROVIDE current? How can a device
provide CURRENT??

Can you list other tests that involves this method?
Even If it's simple (I understand that the instrument will apply a defined resistance to the load connected), I can not figure any uses of this method. Can you suggest me a couple of them?
Thank you all in advance!