One of the things I've been putting off for some time is getting a soldering iron for my truck. Locally, I can only find really cheap crap from Weller and I'd rather not go that route. I don't need an iron often, but when I do I'd like something decent with a tip that's not held in with a crappy little screw, I want it to have enough heat for even large joints and I want it to heat up relatively fast.
Some things that are confusing for me though is when looking at the higher end irons, I'm not sure what just plugs in and what needs a control unit (station type), what temp or wattage is going to be most useful, should I maybe be looking at something like the Hakko 980-V12 or /P? I know that the cheapie iron I have at home doesn't get hot enough for non-Pb solder - I couldn't fix a joint on my UPS because of that, so the dual temp feature of that Hakko seems sensible.
Does anyone have any recommendations or ideas I should look into?