Back in the "olden days" there were lollies (sweets, candies) sold in corners shops which were everywhere. Maybe about two dozen different types but most were available everywhere. As a kid you could buy a selection you picked from big jars and they would be put into a small white paper bag and you paid your 20c or 50c if grandma was visiting.
One that was absolutely available everywhere was the jelly bean. No-one didn't like them (except maybe the black ones) and they filled the main lolly selection criteria. They were guaranteed to please and they were sweet and not too chewy and not too hard.
I guess jelly bean parts are parts that are widely available (ie common as dirt) and useful when there is no rigid specific characteristic to limit choice.
Are jelly bean parts fading out of use now that the choice is so vast? People seem to sneer at a 741.
Is a 555 a jelly bean part? it had no alternative.
Now I am going to try to remember what lollies were available.
Jelly beans (of course)
milk bottles
spearmint leaves
marella jubes
bananas (yuk!)
musk sticks
some kinds of hard boiled ones
barley sugar
That's probably a peculiarly Australian selection from the 70's could I have forgotten sherbies?