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EEVblog 1527 - Toshiba T1000LE DOS Vintage Laptop Repair HELL

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his Ebay Toshiba T1000LE vintage DOS In ROM laptop repair turned out looking promising until, well, it didn't...

Service manual:

I take it is just a rebadged Cyberdyne product?    :D

As mentioned in the comments some parts are blown, C520, then another tantalum? cap under R513. If the rail was going overvoltage would make sense why they blew (the 7V you saw).
Might be worth clean and replace those, but, if those logic ICs were damaged from the same overvoltage then may not be worth it.

Soldering leaked electrolyte smells horrible, cat piss level of stench. Possible hot soapy water might be a better initial cleaner here:


--- Quote from: thm_w on February 04, 2023, 07:31:23 am ---As mentioned in the comments some parts are blown, C520, then another tantalum? cap under R513. If the rail was going overvoltage would make sense why they blew (the 7V you saw).
Might be worth clean and replace those, but, if those logic ICs were damaged from the same overvoltage then may not be worth it.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, there is a non-zero chance of going to all the effort of cleaning it, and repairing all the traces and failed components only to find that a bunch of chips are fried.
Best bet would be the find a way to bypass on the PSU and feed in an external supply. Unfortunately no schematic is available, and I don't have a good unit to compare to.

I have the same model, also not working. Didn't see any broken traces though.

Half of the paint from the lid was already missing, so I just peeled it all off. Now I have silver lid  :D - but surface is not perfect.

Why would you buy it from 'merica? They are not super rare here. For example this one sold for $125 just last month


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