3 years ago I knew nothing about electronics, only that I wanted to get into it somehow.
I stumbled across my first video of you doing a segment on soldering irons, solder, etc. I don't remember the episode.
Many many years ago, I tried soldering stuff and just could never get the crap to work right. I had a cheap Radio Crap soldering iron and some Plumbers Solder Wire. I Lost interest in anything electronics after my attempt to repair something because I kept burning chips and circuit boards trying to make the damn solder to work.
That video showed me that I needed FLUX in my solder, and a better Iron. I got interest again. I bought a Solder Iron (Hakko analog 888, fake i'm sure, but works), and some good solder with 3.3% flux.
Now, with help of others teaching me about basic electronics and reading and searching on the net, I have my first products that have been going out the door, and they work! Sure, I had several revisions of failures, sometimes major, and sometimes simple (like decoupling caps, didn't know that almost every IC needed them, but were never shown on Data Sheets *mumbles* stupid chip manufacturers!). But, now I feel confident that I have a good working product. The last few weeks I have been testing it, and everything works awesome! I'm getting ready to ship out replacements to the few who have bought the older products, do to problems with them.
Anyway, I'm ranting, but I got my excitement back about electronics. Since I was a small boy (like 8 years old or so), I was taking lots of stuff apart and figuring out how it works. I even remember taking apart a PONG game, and modifying it so the paddles were smaller! Hey, who else did that. there wasn't much out there for video games, and I needed to make PONG more challenging!.
Anyway, I like the Mailbag segment myself. It's fun watching you comment on items, and fun when big companies send you stuff and you rip them a new O-Ring! *score one for the little guy*.
Maybe someday I will send you my product when I can afford to, and you can tell me it sucks or is a great job for a first time project! Hopefully, the latter.

I also like the segments you do on why and how things work. I remember seeing that opamp segment, that helped me understand them.
Also, because of my excitement getting back into electronics, thanks to that soldering video you did, I have learned other things as well. For instance, this has forced me to make a website, something I knew nothing about 3 months ago. Even though it is not electronic related, it has forced me to make a website to help promote and sell my product. I think I did a pretty good job.
Thank you for all you do, and keep up the good work!
Vancouver, WA USA