Author Topic: Get back to the basics and bring back the show we all learned to love  (Read 16118 times)

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Offline EEVblog

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Re: Get back to the basics and bring back the show we all learned to love
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2015, 09:45:43 pm »
Dave's incredibly over-the-top enthusiasm of the early episodes is now more subdued, but that's just a sign of maturity as a host and frankly, I prefer the new style.

It is also the reality of having the lab in an office type environment. When I get excited, I get LOUD, really loud, and you can't do that with commercial office neighbors and gyprock walls.

Offline steve_w

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Re: Get back to the basics and bring back the show we all learned to love
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2015, 10:04:38 pm »

I'm happy with how things are going.  Just don't stop.


Steve W
So long and thanks for all the fish

Offline kingofkya

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Re: Get back to the basics and bring back the show we all learned to love
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2015, 10:27:35 pm »
Yeah agreed,

I have one suggestion though he could mention the amp hour more often on eevblog so people know it exists  :) I watched his videos (without going to eevblog site) for quite a while before I noticed it.

Offline Chipguy

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Re: Get back to the basics and bring back the show we all learned to love
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2015, 10:38:08 pm »
I believe the real strength of EEVBlog (apart from Dave's insight and humor) is in the VARIETY of content.
And mailbag, although recurrent, shows an incredible variety of content. Some rant, some jokes, some new product from small guy X, some ancient interesting product from reader Y, lots of mini teardowns...
Dave is very good with a whiteboard, I enjoy watching him in fundamental friday because I always pickup some interesting angle to the subject to use in my own teaching.
Dave is even better with the whiteboard in the "let's design X" videos. Those are awesome. I like the iterative approach with a conceptually simple design first then a second pass to reduce part count and cost. That's engineering.
But it also needs the most preparation, and unfortunately, seems to offer the least material rewards for Dave. That's life, there are simply more people looking for product reviews and teardowns than design demonstrations. But that is where the art lies, in my opinion
Dave's incredibly over-the-top enthusiasm of the early episodes is now more subdued, but that's just a sign of maturity as a host and frankly, I prefer the new style.
If anybody doubts his profound enthusiasm for what he does please just rewatch the mudrun episode (crazy aussie!) and the subsequent TDS220 teardown (one though little sucker!)

TL;DR : You're awesome Dave, just keep it up and do whatever you feel like doing.
That one definetly gets a big  :-+ from me.
I could put my signature on every statement of the above.

The only thing to add is that I am still amazed how Daves manages:
1) Family
2) making Videos
3) µCurrent shipping and all the other everyday tasks
4) doing the forum, fan mails etc.
5) [....]

Keep in mind, after all Dave is just a "one man show", still doing EVERY little thing by himself.

You're awesome Dave, just keep it up and do whatever you feel like doing.

Where is that smoke coming from?

Offline EEVblog

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Re: Get back to the basics and bring back the show we all learned to love
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2015, 12:00:48 am »
The only thing to add is that I am still amazed how Daves manages:
1) Family
2) making Videos
3) µCurrent shipping and all the other everyday tasks
4) doing the forum, fan mails etc.
5) [....]

The answer is, I don't manage it.
Some stuff gets done, but a lot of stuff doesn't.

Offline Falcon69

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Re: Get back to the basics and bring back the show we all learned to love
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2015, 12:50:40 am »

3 years ago I knew nothing about electronics, only that I wanted to get into it somehow.

I stumbled across my first video of you doing a segment on soldering irons, solder, etc.  I don't remember the episode.

Many many years ago, I tried soldering stuff and just could never get the crap to work right.  I had a cheap Radio Crap soldering iron and some Plumbers Solder Wire.  I Lost interest in anything electronics after my attempt to repair something because I kept burning chips and circuit boards trying to make the damn solder to work.

That video showed me that I needed FLUX in my solder, and a better Iron.  I got interest again.  I bought a Solder Iron (Hakko analog 888, fake i'm sure, but works), and some good solder with 3.3% flux. 

Now, with help of others teaching me about basic electronics and reading and searching on the net, I have my first products that have been going out the door, and they work!  Sure, I had several revisions of failures, sometimes major, and sometimes simple (like decoupling caps, didn't know that almost every IC needed them, but were never shown on Data Sheets *mumbles* stupid chip manufacturers!).  But, now I feel confident that I have a good working product. The last few weeks I have been testing it, and everything works awesome!  I'm getting ready to ship out replacements to the few who have bought the older products, do to problems with them.

Anyway, I'm ranting, but I got my excitement back about electronics. Since I was a small boy (like 8 years old or so), I was taking lots of stuff apart and figuring out how it works.  I even remember taking apart a PONG game, and modifying it so the paddles were smaller!  Hey, who else did that.  there wasn't much out there for video games, and I needed to make PONG more challenging!.

Anyway, I like the Mailbag segment myself. It's fun watching you comment on items, and fun when big companies send you stuff and you rip them a new O-Ring!  *score one for the little guy*.

Maybe someday I will send you my product when I can afford to, and you can tell me it sucks or is a great job for a first time project! Hopefully, the latter.  :D

I also like the segments you do on why and how things work.  I remember seeing that opamp segment, that helped me understand them.

Also, because of my excitement getting back into electronics, thanks to that soldering video you did, I have learned other things as well.  For instance, this has forced me to make a website, something I knew nothing about 3 months ago. Even though it is not electronic related, it has forced me to make a website to help promote and sell my product.  I think I did a pretty good job.

Thank you for all you do, and keep up the good work!

Vancouver, WA USA

Offline MacAttak

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Re: Get back to the basics and bring back the show we all learned to love
« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2015, 03:15:24 am »
FWIW Dave, I do appreciate each and every video you post. Even the ones that I don't have personal interest in. I can skip those, and I know that you have (many) other subscribers who love them.

It is unfortunate that you don't get the best feedback on those types of videos that I tend to like a lot. As mentioned by others, the early soldering videos are how I found the channel and this website a couple years ago, and many of those educational videos were extremely interesting - like the opamp, voltage doubler, and JTAG discussions (among many others). I also really like the mailbag segments although I guess I'm in the minority of folks who liked to see the cool postcards too.

My support of the OP in this thread was more of a "yes, there are people here who enjoy and appreciate those video topics even if you have vocal feedback pushing you away from them", and not so much "here is what I would like for you to do".

Offline Chipguy

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Re: Get back to the basics and bring back the show we all learned to love
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2015, 08:23:39 am »
FWIW Dave, I do appreciate each and every video you post. Even the ones that I don't have personal interest in. I can skip those, and I know that you have (many) other subscribers who love them.
Exactly, Youtube let's you skip over parts when you think like "yeah, I know Ohm's law already"  and even complete videos (  ;) ) if you are not interested. The moaners should use those functions more often!
And the Ohm's law example may even be THAT one video for a 10 year old kid which gets him/her into electronics in the first place.
200K subscribers... impossible to 100% satisfy them all every time. That's the way it is.

And the amount that Dave manages to keep up with tweets and the forum still amazes me all the time, even when he claims that he doesn't keep up. He might not keep up a 100% but the amount he manages is still a fricking lot. People should honor that much more.
After all: It's a one man's show.
Where is that smoke coming from?

Offline EEVblog

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Re: Get back to the basics and bring back the show we all learned to love
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2015, 09:26:13 am »
After all: It's a one man's show.


Offline george graves

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Re: Get back to the basics and bring back the show we all learned to love
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2015, 09:38:40 am »
After all: It's a one man's show.

+10000000.  Totally agree.  I can assure you Dave is running on all cylinders and working over time.  Try filming a 60 min video, editing, it up loading it, taking pic, posting links, and promote it.  It will take you 2-3 days your first time out.

Dave is screwed if he does a low level video, pros will complain.  If he does a high level video, noobs will complain.  He can't win sometimes.

I agree with OP, as EEVBlog has become something of "must see TV", but something has changed.

The eyeroll above is for the fact that this always comes up, again and again, and I keep having to explain it again and again, why you are:
a) essentially mistaken
and b) not really helping me

Lesson not question Dave!

« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 09:41:39 am by george graves »

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