What is wrong with having a product safety? That is one parameter which should not be compromised, ever.
The wrong its not the device it self , its the consortium of the few who had create the high standards,
and try to dominate the market , by blaming any one who is not part of it.
If you sell safety , then everything else than yours , it must be baptized unsafe , so to make money just from that.
Or every medium scale manufacturer , he has to pay the price in the consortium, so his products to be baptized as safe too.
I do not know if you understand my point , but looks that the high safety standards ,
to be just a merchandise .
So I am equally skeptic and for the cheap PRC made product ... and for Mister Fluke , the safety seller.
And I truly need from one True electronics engineer , to take apart one Fluke 87 and evaluate the cost of the inner parts .... I need to know where my money goes ..