Author Topic: [SOLD] JBC soldering tools and accessories  (Read 18092 times)

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Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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[SOLD] JBC soldering tools and accessories
« on: July 11, 2013, 09:30:21 am »
Here for sale are the following JBC tools and accessories.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 12:06:50 pm by mikgntl-2013 »

Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 06:53:30 pm by mikgntl-2013 »

Offline shotgun25

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Ordered a JBC CD-2BB 230V soldering station with 4xC245 tips (C245-036/030, C245-906, C245-907 and C245-741) and I have been very impressed!

I have used it at 350Centigrade on a few small jobs like motherboard capacitor replacement and solder re-flowing on a laptop charger jack including building a solder bridge between the ground solder pad and the charger ground shield (metal surround). The claims of quick return to temperature from sleep are true, the only tip I am using at the moment (C245-907) has been excellent for all work and I have moved the iron from joint to joint without having to wait for thermal recovery. This especially helps when you can't get all the solder out from a through hole joint on a capacitor (my lack of experience) and you are pushing the component leg first into solder heated up from the other side of the board - I can move from joint to joint and I have the capacitor in place in less than 10 seconds if I'm accurate with the position of the legs before I push slowly.

My previous soldering station was an expensive (to me) circa £85 W.E.P 876D eBay clone which claims it has a Samsung chip on the thermal control circuit or whatever claim they were trying to make. At first I thought it was great because it was way better than the cheap solder station and cheap 30Watt Maplin soldering irons I had wasted money on. The W.E.P 876D barely helped me remove a double USB socket that was edge mounted (four ground anchor points + 4 usb pins) but I see now how bad of a job it did.

With the JBC CD-2BB I haven't had any issues to note.
For example, I am now able to successfully use my solder sucker without issue and I have seen some success with solder wick without it getting stuck to the through hole solder.
I put this down to the solder staying molten long enough (I can actually see it turning a slightly dull grey from molten shiny as the heat disappears when I remove the iron) and the iron holding a stable temperature which seems to instantly melt solder even when I don't use flux.

I love how heavy it is, the eBay clone would move if I had the iron too far from the base. The wire to the iron is removable and is thin and flexible like a laptop charger as well as having a holder on the station to keep it out of the way during soldering. The distance between your hand and the tip is short so I was able to solder more precisely, it feels like writing with a regular pen its that nice to hold and use.

I like how it has an isolation switch on the unit itself and that it takes a standard kettle plug (standard desktop computer power supply cable). The display is an easy to read and appealing blue display with white writing which is very easy to read in dim natural light (soldering as the day is ending).
It even comes with brass curls and a sponge (which I haven't used yet). The brass curls alone can be expensive in my opinion.

I haven't had the need to use the quick tip removal but I'm happy to know I can safely switch tips without the iron having to be turned off to cool down the tip and unscrewing some potentially hot piece of metal to switch tips and then screw the metal holder on hoping not to cross thread it and then wait for the unit to reach temperature before I can work again.

The price was the big boundary for me, but once I had committed to spending £300 to import a Hakko FX-888 230V unit from America without any tips this was a no brainer. Just factor in the currency conversion, PayPal fees and shipping when costing up this unit. My PayPal fees were €11.70 which I think includes currency conversion from £ to €.
I looked at the three UK based suppliers of this unit and they all required you to be a business to create an account which is no use to a hobbyist like myself.

mikgntl-2013 gives you a great service!!!
For your money you get... A great deal on this fantastic item, a tracking number for Poste Italia (which was then shipped via ParcelForce in England), pictures of the item working, what your package should contain, the invoice, your box with shipping label stuck on it..

Don't hesitate to PM mikgntl-2013 and create a combo of soldering station and suitable tips for a great price, I'm glad I did!
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 09:36:01 pm by shotgun25 »

Offline ddavidebor

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You can find the brass curls in any supermarket
David - Professional Engineer - Medical Devices and Tablet Computers at Smartbox AT
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Offline M. András

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hmm the last post looks like a paid review :) with a user that only have 1 post

Offline neslekkim

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You should try one, if you find anyone with it around you, test it, it's fantastic iron. Just check Dave's teardown also, this is solid stuff, my hakko 888d isn't close at all, and my 951 clone is about as fast, but doesnt retain heat as good as this, but that can be the clone of course. But when it comes to tip handling, changing etc while using it, this is just another league, this works flawlessly, no worries at all.

Offline neslekkim

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PA microtweezers kit on sale.

To bad those cannot be used on an BB station :(

Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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hmm the last post looks like a paid review :) with a user that only have 1 post

Sorry to disappoint you.... It's just a buyer very satisfied with his new gear.
And just to prevent you from going further, I don't have enough money to pay so many users!  :)
Indeed I don't even need another review because Dave has already told almost everything about this station and JBC quality.
Wary users are invited to see his teardown of the JBC CD-2BB station.

To bad those cannot be used on an BB station :(

Officially they aren't supported, but the control unit should not have any problem driving the tweezers.
It would be interesting to further investigate the reason of this incompatibility.
Maybe it's just the different shape of the holder (and of course a marketing strategy to sell their CP station).
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 08:48:50 am by mikgntl-2013 »

Offline eKretz

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Yeah for any doubters, this iron is the real deal. I have an Ersa I-Con with iTool iron and it's pretty much the equivalent of the JBC. This level of iron is an amazingly pleasant tool to use. I tried the solder 2 solid copper pennies together demo and was able to do it in under 30 seconds from cold pennies to fully soldered with a little 1.5mm or so chisel tip. The response on these things is so fast and the heaters so powerful (150W peak for up to 30 seconds) that it can often overcome the need for more thermal mass. Now if you want to solder on a heatsink or something obviously you'd need a little bit bigger tip. I used to have an old RatShack 80W iron and it was passable, but the new iron is just outstanding. It has become much easier to do formerly difficult soldering work.

Offline nukie

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The new modular firmware lose the power analog bar which is disappointing. The response time is so good on the new firmware I wonder if its really the actual tip temperature it is showing.

Offline nukie

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If the above post is a paid review then its probably JBC who paid him because he wrote so little about the seller. Haha, I'm pretty happy with the last transaction the seller is a valuable resource for JBC owners who are hooked on tips.

Offline M. András

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hmm the last post looks like a paid review :) with a user that only have 1 post

Sorry to disappoint you.... It's just a buyer very satisfied with his new gear.
If you don't trust him you can ask neslekkim, Eleg, hooj and they will probably confirm every word in the post.
And just to prevent you from going further, I don't have enough money to pay so many users!  :)
Indeed I don't even need another review because Dave has already told almost everything about this station and JBC quality.
Wary users are invited to see his teardown of the JBC CD-2BB station.

To bad those cannot be used on an BB station :(

Officially they aren't supported, but the control unit should not have any problem driving the tweezers.
It would be interesting to further investigate the reason of this incompatibility.
Maybe it's just the different shape of the holder (and of course a marketing strategy to sell their CP station).

BTW, for the ones who are interested, I can supply DIT-2B BRAND NEW STATIONS at a good price. PM me for more details.

nah i dont have questions about the jbc tool's quality. just seemed fishy to me for a brand new user to come here and comment on this topic for his first post

Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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just seemed fishy to me for a brand new user to come here and comment on this topic for his first post

It's not so strange.. A user came across the thread and decided to join the community to buy the station. That's all.

Offline mwsoft

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Do you have registered business? What about invoice and warranty? These prices are with or without Italian VAT? You didn't mention any of that...

Or it's just "black market" and these stations came from who know where (fall off the truck? >:D).
I may be interested, but it seems a little bit fishy... Also need normal EU invoice with 0% VAT.

Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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Thanks for asking. This is a private sale.
As you can see from the pictures, everything is new.
I'm not here to cheat people.
For any other questions, don't hesitate to pm me.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 08:51:16 am by mikgntl-2013 »

Offline mwsoft

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Ok, so they really come from "who knows where", and the only warranty is no-DOA...
I'll pass :)

Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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I can live with that.  :)
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 08:33:37 am by mikgntl-2013 »

Offline nukie

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This seller makes JBC ownership more affordable. The fact that JBC rarely discount their tools and I suspect they have price fixing all over the internet makes me feel I am forced to pay a lot more for what I want. So for me personal use, the seller is god sent. If you are running a business for tax purposes, your an idiot to buy your tools from a non business supplier.

Offline ddavidebor

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Power on is for me perfectly acceptable for "brand new" regarding test gear and similar.

We're not speaking about skirt, shoes, or underwear
David - Professional Engineer - Medical Devices and Tablet Computers at Smartbox AT
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Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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I agree.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 08:52:45 am by mikgntl-2013 »

Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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A quick followup...

Users having problems with their JBC tools can send them directly to the JBC headquarter in Spain
and have them serviced even without a proof of purchase.
Warranty does not cover product wear due to use or mis-use.

Offline Dreso12

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In my previous job we used JBC soldering irons for manual soldering of PV modules. We also did some rework in SMD diodes with them. In my experience they are a good piece of equipment, the survived many users and 24h/day work for quite a lot of time.

The only problem with them is that the cartdridges are quite expensive and you have to change the whole cartdridge if the tip is not in good shape. Apart from that they are really good, the temperature regulation is excellent.

Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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Yep, cartridges are expensive. Fortunately they last quite long.

Offline ben_r_

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Re: [FS] JBC SOLDERING EQUIPMENT (CD-2BB, T245-A, C245 & C210 tips, etc.)
« Reply #24 on: July 29, 2013, 09:36:21 pm »
:( Only 230V versions.
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Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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Re: [FS] JBC SOLDERING EQUIPMENT (CD-2BB, T245-A, C245 & C210 tips, etc.)
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2013, 09:45:36 pm »
Yes, I only deal with 230V stations (CD-2BC, DIT-2B, etc.). Anyway, I can ship worldwide.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 08:53:39 am by mikgntl-2013 »

Offline ben_r_

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Re: [FS] JBC SOLDERING EQUIPMENT (CD-2BB, T245-A, C245 & C210 tips, etc.)
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2013, 12:38:54 am »
Yes, I only deal with 230V stations (CD-2BC, DIT-2B, etc.). Anyway, I can ship worldwide.
Yea the shipping worldwide is awesome, cept we cant all use the 230V stations worldwide :(
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Offline brainwash

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Re: [FS] JBC SOLDERING EQUIPMENT (CD-2BB, T245-A, C245 & C210 tips, etc.)
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2013, 10:46:56 pm »
I fail to see the deal here, as a registered business I can deduct the VAT so I expect these to be at least 20% cheaper.
All the following have the VAT invoice:
325E, has only two tips => 260E
380E, only one tip, still ~300E

This was just after 10 minutes of searching. I might be missing something about why it's a good deal at your price of 359E. Tips are around 30E in official shops, with VAT included.
I do not want to come out as aggressive, just pointing out things.

Offline neslekkim

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Re: [FS] JBC SOLDERING EQUIPMENT (CD-2BB, T245-A, C245 & C210 tips, etc.)
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2013, 06:42:13 am »
Not all of us can deduct VAT, for private use, and if you don't have company.
IF I bought the 2BB in Norway, the price is €556, with only two tips. (And they don't sell the 2BC yet.. ) tax here is 25%
And one tip cost €34, when I bought my station, the price was €49 each tip.
The T210 handle: €100, T245: €124

So good for some, bad for some maybe.. At least I know where to buy, and that is not in my country, except if I was running an company  and doing this for professional business.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2013, 06:49:28 am by neslekkim »

Offline brainwash

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Re: [FS] JBC SOLDERING EQUIPMENT (CD-2BB, T245-A, C245 & C210 tips, etc.)
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2013, 10:20:05 am »
My bad, I did not see the prices I listed were not including VAT.
The reason I'm asking is that as a registered business I deduct something even without VAT invoice, just that the price has to be at least 19-21% better than on the local market. Then there's the issue of stuff above 400 euros going into amortization, but that's completely offtopic.
I see, if it comes with a proforma invoice it is indeed a saving even for companies here.

Offline hooj

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Re: [FS] JBC SOLDERING EQUIPMENT (CD-2BB, T245-A, C245 & C210 tips, etc.)
« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2013, 08:03:33 pm »
I got one CD-2BB with four cartridges from mikgntl-2013!
It was more than a month ago but I was so busy that time at work and then suddenly vacation happen :o
I've just back to normal life :D

mikgntl-2013, can you forgive me for such delay with feedback? :-[

And about the station... yes, it's the best soldering station I ever used before.
My old ERSA Digital 2000 with Micro Tool iron will go for rest now :)
It's still ok to solder SMD stuff, but JBC can make all that nasty things I ever dream about >:D
Thank you so much, mikgntl-2013!

And about packaging, it was incredible good!
Even Russian Postal service can't destroy it!!! People who know what is Russian Post will understand me ;D
It's arrived super fast over EMS.

By the way, it's already updated with latest firmware, thanks to abyrvalg ;)
« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 04:47:27 am by hooj »

Offline elecBlu

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« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2013, 03:34:44 pm »
does your CD-2BB Station contain the USB Conntector on the back?

Offline neslekkim

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« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2013, 03:39:05 pm »
That came on the 2BC models

Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2013, 04:48:25 pm »
does your CD-2BB Station contain the USB Conntector on the back?

CD-2BB is the "previous" revision without the USB port. A serial adapter is required if you want to update the firmware.
CD-2BC is just the same station with the added USB port on the rear side and a few cosmetic variations.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 04:11:39 pm by mikgntl-2013 »

Offline elecBlu

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« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2013, 05:12:14 pm »
thank you both, JBC website didn't say it that clear.

Offline M. András

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« Reply #35 on: September 08, 2013, 05:14:23 pm »
i do wonder sometimes when you bump the thread why just the compact stations? if you sell their stuffs for a living you could show the advanced modular stations too etc. i hope you see what i mean

Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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« Reply #36 on: September 08, 2013, 05:27:44 pm »
i do wonder sometimes when you bump the thread why just the compact stations? if you sell their stuffs for a living you could show the advanced modular stations too etc. i hope you see what i mean

Never said to sell JBC stuff for a living.
I sometimes come across these tools and offer them here.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 08:18:37 am by mikgntl-2013 »

Offline neslekkim

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« Reply #37 on: September 08, 2013, 05:46:40 pm »
As a proof, I have recently offered a kit including a modular station, 4 tips and also microtweezers for almost 50% of their retail price, but no one seemed to be interested.

Oh yeah, the interrest is there, I just couldn't find any around here (in Norway) to offload my 2BB to..

Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2013, 05:53:00 pm »
As a proof, I have recently offered a kit including a modular station, 4 tips and also microtweezers for almost 50% of their retail price, but no one seemed to be interested.

Oh yeah, the interrest is there, I just couldn't find any around here (in Norway) to offload my 2BB to..

In that case, feel free to use this thread tor finding potential buyers.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 08:20:04 am by mikgntl-2013 »

Offline neslekkim

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« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2013, 12:22:23 pm »
It should be in Norway though, to damn expensive to send things out from this country (paid over $100 to ship an defunct hakko back to US last time... )

Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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Offline mikgntl-2013Topic starter

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« Reply #41 on: September 21, 2013, 04:49:29 pm »
New offer for the DIT-2B soldering station.
Let's see if someone is interested.

Offline neslekkim

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« Reply #42 on: September 21, 2013, 05:16:06 pm »
new offer?, it's same price, only difference is that one can buy it without the tweezers?, It's the tweezers that's interresting for me at least.

Offline cavlovic

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« Reply #43 on: September 22, 2013, 11:48:43 am »
Do you have any CD-2BB or 2BC for sale? You mention them but can't find them listed in this topic.

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