I Googled,& found a lot of people have old Soviet 'scopes still up & running,a lot more than I thought would be around.
Most of them aren't military though,apparently the USSR exported them,mainly,but not only, to the old Warsaw
Pact countries.
The ones I saw videos of seem quite nice units,maybe not Tektronix level,but certainly that of the later Telequipment stuff,or,dare I say it?---Philips!
My Tek 7613 & BWD 509 are both around 30 years old!
The BWD has a triggering problem,but otherwise works.
The main reason I suggested ex-military stuff is that it would be probably made to a higher level of reliability,though perhaps not performance.
He is more likely to find this kind of equipment at hamfests,as they would have been used in his country in the old days.