General > Buy/Sell/Wanted


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I previously bought an item from facebook marketplace and the buy and experience was good.

So more recently I bought another item from facebook marketplace.
The seller gave me his paypal username and I quickly paid for it using goods and services.
A few days later seller sent a message asking if I still wanted the item.
I said yes it was paid for days ago.
He said he couldnt find a record of the paypal transaction.
So I sent him copy of transaction but he said it wasnt him.
So the payment went to another account not his.

I got onto paypal and complained and the paypal seller came up with a hand written receipt for the sale and said he had posted it !
Clearly a scam so I made a claim via paypal giving all the details.
A few days later I got a refund.
I dread to think what would have happened if I had used "family and friends" on paypal.

Its better to buy from online retailers or from ebay as there are far fewer problems.
If the item really has to come from facebook I would go along with cash and check it over before buying it.

The user 'markusvet' attempted to scam me via PM.

PM message attached.

After receiving an email reply, I searched the email address, which is a known scam email.

If his email was normal, it could have been pretty convincing.

Payment via gift cards is also an obvious sign of a scam.


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