My 2c...
The kid is genuine, he has an interest in electronics. That interest could be nurtured, he needs a mentor and environment to do electronics.
However, the setting in the video is staged. e.g. No soldering iron (and several projects are soldered on prototype board), nothing in cupboard apart from neatly arranged past projects.
I would speculate that either there is more stuff somewhere else in the house or more likely that his mentor is no longer around due to family or other circumstances. I feel sorry for the kid.
Given the poor start I would suggest he creates a new Forum Id and starts again. In terms of equipment I think he would be much better sticking to digital (blinking lights, simple sensors, LCD displays etc) until he gets access to better help and equipment (which probably means some personal commitment to travel as he gets a bit older)
The internet is a harsh mistress; that's probably been a valuable although unpleasant lesson!