Hello Stonecold,
Here is some advice, from someone who has given away two oscilloscopes so far.
First thing is you need to put more detail in your explanation of *why* anyone should give you a scope. The two I gave, one was to a fellow in the Philippines, who was a hard working guy, supporting a family, had already set himself up with great effort to do simple electronic repairs, despite considerable economic hardship that was not his fault. Just born in a poor country with a very bad exchange rate so buying stuff from overseas was impossible for him.
The other scope giveaway was to a personal friend, who is considerably socially handicapped for various reasons beyond his control.
Your gofundme page says:
Hello,my name is Brett and I need a ossilscope.Ever since I have took apart a radio,I have wanted the be a Electrical Engineer.My mom is out of work and I unable to get a job.I have been wanting a ossilliscope for a long time and it would really help if you donate.Thanks for reading
There are a few problems with that, which don't inspire generosity.
First is grammar. Like it or not, people make judgements based on your ability to write correct English, spelling, punctuation, etc. Here's how your text would be, if you took a little more care just with grammar:
Hello, my name is Brett and I need an oscilloscope. Ever since I first took apart a radio, I have wanted to be an Electrical Engineer. My mom is out of work and I am unable to get a job. I have been wanting an oscilloscope for a long time and it would really help if you donate. Thanks for reading.
But you could put a lot more into it than that.
Include some more about yourself and your situation. Why can't you get a job? Do you have some special needs or handicaps? Or do you live in a socially or economically disadvantaged area? Your workbench photo looks like it's in a nice house, fairly new. So how come you can't scrape together a little cash for a low cost second hand scope?
You say you've been wanting one for a long time, but what have you tried doing so far to get yourself one? And how did that fail? Here you are talking to people who all know how cheap old second hand analog scopes are, and how perfectly acceptable they are for hobbyist/beginner use.
I don't have a spare scope I'd want to give away at the moment, and anyway I'm currently broke, having trouble getting my car past rego, and couldn't afford to ship a scope to the USA. Which btw, would be absurd - donating a scope from Australia to the USA, where cheap surplus equipment is very common. But there's your problem. You have to make a case for why you, in the USA, have been unable to find a usable scope for yourself. Most people would be hard to convince that was real. Even using perfect grammar.