The cheapest shipping cost for a scope to India is £143.
It's not that people here aren't friendly, you're just demanding a scope worth £500 and a huge shipping bill so you can make a big profit.
-As members specified that a cheap scope with basic functionalities would suffice my project ,I did some research on "which scope would be best on price and performance" I find out GW Instek GDS-1052-U Would be Fine for the application!
The cheapest shipping cost for a scope to India is £143.
It's not that people here aren't friendly, you're just demanding a scope worth £500 and a huge shipping bill so you can make a big profit.
Its not at all like that I want to get the DSO for free and I would be making fortune from my venture ,It would be bad for me to neglect helpers from the community without giving any thing back if they are trying to help.I can't Promise that I would provide any thing back to the community right now but What I can promise is that I would do some thing for the people and the community those who are helping me.I haven't figured out what can I offer,But It is a promise from my side.
So let's recap this. You join this forum, not to participate and contribute to the general knowledge base, but to demand free gear to help you start a business venture that you hope to make lots of money at. Then, when you are called out on it, you call people unfriendly. Then you backpedal and apologize that you didn't make yourself clear and didn't understand. Finally, instead of offering a repayment method when you make your fortune, you promise that you will do something for all the people who helped you but you have no idea what that would be.
Maybe, instead of coming to a forum where you know no one, and no one knows you, to demand free gear for you to make money off of, you should try to find some local people to help you put a sound business/engineering plan together so that maybe you can find INVESTORS in your business venture.
Just to point out, there is another new member who posted a more humble thread asking, not demanding, and making a compelling case (as I mentioned earlier) by asking for hobby use and explaining his circumstances, and is being blessed by another member. So much for unfriendly people here. If I was fortunate enough to have excess gear, between the 2 of you, he would have been the recipient. To keep trying to make your case for free gear to make money in a venture that you don't seem to have an idea what you are doing with vague promises to help those who help you, you are simply flogging a dead horse.
I joined the forum to study first,I have been reading the forums previously!
1)I am not here just to ask for free gear only.
2)I am here to contribute also.
3)I promised to Give Some thing back to the community for sure,You think that it is a vague Promise. But I suggest that you should not think people are always asking for free stuff just like that.
4)So to clearify that what I would Offer,"A 1Kw 3 phase Motor Controller for PMSM Design Files.
Just to point out, there is another new member who posted a more humble thread asking, not demanding, and making a compelling case (as I mentioned earlier) by asking for hobby use and explaining his circumstances, and is being blessed by another member. So much for unfriendly people here. If I was fortunate enough to have excess gear, between the 2 of you, he would have been the recipient. To keep trying to make your case for free gear to make money in a venture that you don't seem to have an idea what you are doing with vague promises to help those who help you, you are simply flogging a dead horse.
5)I am really happy that the other member got a free scope because of his way of talking or conveying his message to you all.But I have been fully transparent on what I am asking for.I have been asking you all for help ,as I have specified many time in my the forum previously ,I am not here to demand.
If I was fortunate enough to have excess gear, between the 2 of you, he would have been the recipient.
6)Its totally up to you "Whom you want to help".
To keep trying to make your case for free gear to make money in a venture that you don't seem to have an idea what you are doing with vague promises to help those who help you, you are simply flogging a dead horse.
7)I don't have any Idea on what you want to go with this.But as you said " you are simply flogging a dead horse". I am not flopping a dead horse ,I Love animals Even if they are Dead.
4 channel ,1Gs/a Dso
Keep a check on you Emoji.
What device you are using to control power? If it is IGBT, then you are not likely to be able to drive it at over 20kHz. Even for silicon MOSFETs, in hard switching topology, you can hardly drive it to over 100kHz at high voltage. A practical frequency for IGBT is 10kHz, and 50KHz for MOSFET.
At that frequency, even the crappiest PC scope will work. You should invest your money on high voltage probes and similar things, not on the scope itself.
Unless you are playing with wide band gap devices, a high speed scope does not make ANY sense.
Hey blueskull,I am using Power Mosfets for my Power stage,That is the reason I am going with 20kHz frequency.the voltage level that i need to operate the power invertor is between 110v to 150v DC Max.