Have you been able to identify what the board uses for a reference, and AtoD converter?
I agree with the guy doing the review - 200mV inaccuracy on the voltage, and the non-responsiveness of the current measurement seem like a real problem. But maybe this can be 'twiddled', if the reference circuit is identifiable. In the review video it appeared that the V & A under-reporting was by roughly the same percentage error, and that the voltage error was predominantly an offset rather than a scaling error. So maybe...
It would have been interesting to see a comparison of the temp reading to true value, to see if it had the same percentage offset.
I didn't look up the micro part number yet. If that contains both the reference and AtoD, then I guess that idea is out.
http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8155.pdfOK, 10 bit ADC, with an external reference input pin. CPU substrate ground is the other reference - which immediately suggests one potential problem.
Also 10 bit ADC means the resolution is 1 in 1024, or about 0.1%. So if the measurements are scaled for 60V full scale, the resolution _should_ be around +/- 0.06V.
Notice the web page says "Accurate & precise – 0.01 A current and 0.01V voltage resolutions" which is bullshit.
Though, I don't know why a device designed for RC system use would have a max voltage range of 60V. I'm not an RC enthusiast, but isn't 60V ridiculous in that context? Should have been much lower, giving better measurement precision.