And the whole idea of selling features piecemeal is archaic.
And the more modern and better option for a business like them is...?
To develop a feature like the DMM of course costs money, and I am all for getting paid for the work put in. But then marketing goes out and gives (education) licenses away for free, because they think it makes sense. Typically in a company marketing can't do that for free, but has to pay internally for each license given away. The money for such free licenses typically comes out of the marketing budget. So a company starts to internally shift "funny money" around, from the marketing budget to the license-sold account. "Funny money", because in the end all the money really comes from are the customers. I.e. other customers of the same and other products have to pay for this "free" licenses.
Shifting "funny money" around typically incurs administrative overhead, the cost of which is typically not explicitly specified. It complicates the internal structure of a company, makes things slower and keeps accountants busy.
Administering and providing the licenses (free or otherwise) requires an infrastructure that doesn't come for free, too. This eats into the profit, too.
All-inclusive also streamlines the order process, stock keeping, etc. It reduces the number of annoyed customers who's orders got screwed up. It reduces the load on support, who don't have to deal with broken licenses, or customers failing to activate them.
Not selling piecemeal also means less annoyed customers. Selling piecemeal is kind of a vicious cycle, you annoy customers, so you need to spend more on marketing, which in turn happens to give licenses away for free, to make customers happy again.
And now, it you have such a low-volume product, does it make sense to have all this overhead? Wouldn't it make more sense to just budget such a feature as part of the overall cost of the instrument, at a fraction of what the company has to ask for a separate license? While in the end not making much money from the licenses?