Author Topic: Hello  (Read 1009 times)

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Offline DavingTopic starter

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  • Posts: 34
« on: January 16, 2013, 08:58:24 am »
Hello!  I've been watching the EEVBlog for about a year now, and find it quite enjoyable.  I'm a (frustrated) student in EE.  I enjoy all manner of analog designs and am gradually collecting books featuring Bob Pease and Jim Williams.  My other EE interests include RF, analog computing, and asynchronous digital (regular digital is rather boring too me(anyone can count to 1!)).  I interned at Microchip last summer (partly thanks to nepotism) and got to work on some interesting embedded applications, and have my first patent (I know I know OSH, but Microchip doesn't care if you use the patent as long as you use their parts to do it) application in.  I've since done up a couple more boards.  One is an assortment of sensors with an RF chip for a home automation application, and the other is an oscilloscope that's targeted to cost less than $20 so it can be used to demonstrate math applications in elementary and middle school classrooms as well as light an interest in electronics design among kids.

That should be enough information for the E-stalkers to find me.

Oh and of course, Thanks Dave for all the information you put out there.

Edit:  Somehow I overlooked the new member thread.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 09:00:03 am by Daving »

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