and yes i know up by the LED/Diode the soldering is messed up, that was me, i lifted a Pad/Trace that connected the LED to the Diode, so i hacked them back together with solder, but the LED lights up when i press the button, and If I go out or back door(that leads to the garage) i can get the remote to work. It will work sometimes in my car, but lately not so much, i also tested the battery voltage "under-load", i pressed and held the button down and got a voltage(off of the battery) of 8.92 Volts(with the battery connected, but no buttons pushed i get 8.97 Volts). and the same battery disconnected i get 8.99 Volts. If anyone wants me to get any voltage measures anywhere else on the board, or continuity, resitance ect(basically anything the EX330 can measure) i can get those. I don't have a scope so i can't really get any look at that stuff.