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Server Error Reports

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Nominal Animal:

--- Quote from: bd139 on October 05, 2023, 08:20:33 pm ---No one is going to read something in this forum and go "yay lets tear eevblog a new asshole".
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No, but there are many people that would love to cause Dave and gnif grief.  The kind of people who might frequent the seedy side of the web, looking for nasty scripts and 0day exploits for free or for little money, to use against their many "enemies".

Not real security risks, but annoying assholes.  And like you said, no reason to give them any more targeting information.

--- Quote from: bd139 on October 05, 2023, 08:20:33 pm ---Realistically defending against automated network attacks is probably the only major worry, followed by casual idiots attacking problems with the forum software.
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Determining and deciding that is something gnif and Dave and gnif's other clients would have to discuss first.  Like I said, gnif's operational security approach is the oldest, simplest one, and it makes sense.  Any other choice or approach must be evaluated; and when you are a responsible sysadmin/provider, such evaluations take time and effort.

Note that I am not claiming you are wrong in your assessment.  I am only saying that gnif's current approach requires no assessment, which makes it the easy, obvious choice.  To choose a different option, someone has to make the assessment and take responsibility.  It's only worth it if there is something weighty in the balance, and I personally only see curiosity on the other side of the balance, and no gain for Dave or gnif really.

--- Quote from: bd139 on October 05, 2023, 08:20:33 pm ---But at no point should you make anyone's life easier for them if they are an adversary and that means keeping schtum on configuration, location, versions, everything. A dumbass could work that out. Do you pin a sign on your door with "I have a nice TV and the window is over there?". Nope!
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I'd change that slightly, replacing 'if they are an adversary' with 'if you are not absolutely sure they are your friend/partner and reliable'.

Then again, I myself am "paranoid" about giving even myself too much access.  (Because if my account or private keys are compromised, I want to minimize the risk of harm to others.  While I do jokingly call it "paranoia", it too is just sensible operational security.)

Ahem! Gnif has previously said he doesn't want this thread being anything but server reports. The discussion of what constitutes security, etc, perhaps should go in the thread I started (to derail exactly that from here) over in:

Please be aware that we are performing some changes that may disrupt this service for a short period. I will post here again when the work is complete.


--- Quote from: gnif on October 11, 2023, 08:28:29 am ---Please be aware that we are performing some changes that may disrupt this service for a short period. I will post here again when the work is complete.

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LOL, no kidding.
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.


--- Quote from: tautech on October 11, 2023, 08:56:30 am ---
--- Quote from: gnif on October 11, 2023, 08:28:29 am ---Please be aware that we are performing some changes that may disrupt this service for a short period. I will post here again when the work is complete.

--- End quote ---
LOL, no kidding.
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.

--- End quote ---

Lol same  :P

Then it went to a 502 error for half an hour or so  :P Wasn’t sure if it my was on my end or what  :P

All good EEVBlog forum team! Thanks for the post :) Fingers crossed for you all  :)


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