she refuses to consider anywhere apart from certain sections of downtown philly.
This is much worse that i thought... cant get more narrow in choice than that.
It's basically what this entire 80 page thread has been about.
She rents four properties for the business (apartment/Franlab, workshop, and two storage units), and all of them have to be in downtown Philly, absolutely no exceptions. She has said she will progressively shut down the business instead of moving anything outside of Philly.
Even friends like me have tried to convince her there are options, but she has asked me and her community to stop trying to help.
Even my suggestions of specific places I've found in downtown Philly where she could consolidate to save cost have been shot down because she knows Philly and I don't. Fair enough I guess.
I really don't want her to have to shut down Franlab

The difference in approach with say Louis Rossmann who has moved several times and made a whole series about it, he's taken mine and other people's suggestions of places and has done tour videos and evaluates every possible option. Even I've done many videos (one just recently) evaluating various moving options. I'm always on the hunt "just in case" an exceptional deal comes along.
Fran's approach is that her current situation is already absolutely optimised and there is no other options available. If the Patreon money doesn't come in then things will get shut down, starting with the workshop, then storage, and then Franlab and she goes back a 9/5 job she doesn't want just to make ends meat.