Author Topic: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope  (Read 27201 times)

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GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« on: August 09, 2022, 12:00:15 am »
I'm giving away the Hantek Oscilloscope/Function Generator from this video:

If you want to be in the running for it then leave a post in this thread and convince me why you want it. If you don't know the best way to do that, then try to think outside the box. Effort counts.
You must be a young kid in Australia only, I won't ship this overseas.
Forum users, please feel free to Thanks a post if you think that kid should get it, this may sway my opinion.

PLEASE, do NOT discuss entries in this thread. This thread is for entries only.
If you want to discuss the entires or the video, please do so here:$5-oscilloscope-repaired-oz-giveaway/
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Offline B1gJ1mmy

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2022, 12:48:23 am »
Hi Dave!

I am in Wollongong. Couldn't get to the Jaycar sale until Saturday afternoon.  There was nothing but scraps left  :'( Got a couple HDMI to RGB converters but nothing really good. I was a little disappointed.  Turn my frown upside down with a new Hantek/Digitech  scope for my workshop!

Love the channel. Wouldn't have even known about the Jaycar sale without you.

Offline Junth

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2022, 12:54:40 am »
Hi, I am currently studying Aerospace Engineering at UNSW and my hobbies include making, testing and improving speakers as well as repairing older electronics. Because I am a full time student, I don't really have all that much money and while I am not doing badly by any means, I don't have the kind of money to drop on a good quality oscilloscope even though I could really use one.
Currently my diagnostic tools are a multimeter I got from Jaycar on special and anything I can make from the parts I pull from old electronics, an oscilloscope would be an invaluable tool for me to improve my skills in circuit design and troubleshooting.
In my upcoming term at UNSW I am also doing a course on circuit design and I believe the oscilloscope would help me learn more effectively and get more out of the course.

While I know I am not the only one who could benefit from this giveaway, I still hope you choose me!
Thanks and good luck to everyone else! :D

Offline M1971

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2022, 01:45:11 am »
I'm not a young fella, just an old fella trying to fix up some old Pioneer stereos

Offline SprinterOz

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2022, 02:15:55 am »
Hello Dave, love the show, I been looking for a oscilloscope on ebay trying to find a $50 one like your past video's suggested, but can not seem to find one in Australia that price, also willing to ship to my address, as I live in rural NSW, it is hard to find something that is not new.

I have many inventions and ideas down on paper in drawings but lacking some tools like and oscilloscope to test things.  :-DMM

« Last Edit: August 09, 2022, 08:58:10 am by SprinterOz »

Offline ff_miller

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2022, 02:23:03 am »
I am starting to learn electronics and designing my own pcbs, it would be great to get a scope to assist me in learning and visualising.

Offline vinit333

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2022, 02:47:51 am »
Hey Dave,

I'm studying Electrical Engineering at the University of Sydney. I'm part of my uni's Rocketry team and we just recently cleaned house at this year's Spaceport America Cup against many other international universities.

I worked on the payload, creating PCBs that powered a robotic arm, a teensy, and a computer vision system. Due to our lab's budget constraints, we couldn't get a hold of an oscilloscope and it was a real pain getting everything tested to include in our reports |O. As we move on to more advanced designs and begin novel research, testing becomes critical to make sure our rockets don't core sample.

I'm hoping this oscilloscope can sit on our avionics workbench. The oscilloscope will be a shared team resource, so we will also run workshops to up-skill newer members or members from disciplines outside electronics.

Personally, I'm also working on an STM32 embedded systems project, so an oscilloscope & logic analyzer would be handy for troubleshooting.

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2022, 03:55:02 am »
Hi Dave. I'm a musician and noise maker. Mum is eyeing off my room of "shame and failure" and is threatening to throw out my nests made of rat nests. I'm currently designing and building multi-effect units and various noise-making devices, using designs found on the internet, as well as attempting to design my own. However, I'm not always successful in my attempts; hence the room of shame/failure/90% projects, building up into a state that is making Mum very unhappy. The Oscilloscope will help me troubleshoot some nearly completed projects I've been having issues with, get them cased up, and out of Mum's sights before they make their way to the tip (She's been issuing threats for a while now, and I think she may be getting serious!).
Please pick me, and help an old lady out. I will get a cleaner room, and my poor Mother will get more moments of silence while I learn to use a new tool instead of making loud noises (for a while!).

Offline zac-hah

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2022, 04:03:30 am »
Hi Dave from sunny Gold Coast!

I'm 19 (2nd year of EE at uni) and I've been watching EEVBlog since year 7. I've been learning about hardware design and electronics from lurking this forum and watching your videos among other things. I actually would listen to the Amp Hour all day, back when I was working in a factory. Apparently I'm good enough now that I'm supporting myself working at a small business making sub-sea ROV cameras, where I write software and design PCBs for customers around the world, including for coral reef surveys and other exciting stuff. I've been sorely missing an oscilloscope for my projects at home and at work.

Anyway if 19 isn't young enough for you I'd like to nominate a bright young guy named Josh from Wollongong, who I trained to be the Control Systems Lead for my old robotics team FRC5985. He's now in year 10 and is training more students year 7 and up on programming, electronics, control systems, etc. and a scope certainly would come in handy for them for years to come. Cheers!

Shameless edit because Dave wants photos... it's almost as if this is a competition or something! :)
Here's a video of some of my work at 5985. The robot is performing this routine autonomously, using machine vision, accelerometers, encoders, etc.
This is Josh's autonomous routine from earlier this year.
The photo attached to this post is of myself (and Josh on the right) working on a machine vision system in 2019.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2022, 08:53:25 am by zac-hah »
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Offline LMC

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2022, 04:34:58 am »
Hi Dave

I am a 18 year old guy from West Aus. I am currently doing a Certificate 4 in Electronics and Telecommunications at TAFE. I have been intrested in electronics as a hobby since I was 8 and have been watching you for many years. Your videos have helped me decide on the course I wanted to pursue and I certainly decided right. Your videos have also helped me massively in understanding some parts of the course, the teacher even put them on during class  ;D. Thanks for providing free and easy to understand information to everyone.
The osilliscope you are giving away would help heaps with my course, hobby and my future job I plan to get.
Thanks again mate.

Offline sinewave

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2022, 05:24:10 am »
Hi Dave,
I am a 13 year old human who is starting basic electronic design, I have a bench PSU and a BM235 but really need an oscilloscope, I'm located in Sydney. Most of my basic knowledge was from watching your videos in 2021 during the lockdown! I would love to win this as this would help with the development and diagnosis of my designs! Thanks, Josh.

What I've been designing are these little 'expansion cards' that interface with the Framework Laptop, I get funding from the company itself and I'm getting ready to sell my first expansion card. I'm also in Year 7, which is a bit of a struggle dealing with school and design work. I also love 3D printing and modding it, repairing phones, and modding consoles. Heaps of other good entries! I've attached the first version of my board design photo, all prototypes are never problem-free, this one I forgot to connect the GND pin the ground fill hence why the thin copper wire. Here is a link to the other 4 boards I have designed:
« Last Edit: August 15, 2022, 09:15:32 am by sinewave »
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Offline EEVblogTopic starter

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2022, 06:19:19 am »
No photos yet, just say'n...
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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2022, 06:33:09 am »
Well done Dave, great video, and a nice scope there. Good for you to be giving it away, probably will also include a pack or fifty of the odd parts from the sale as packaging as well, like Ian does from the UK.

And as an aside, the Telegram impersonator is back, with a channel opened 17 March 2022, and with info of Text meontelegram@Hayls_World1, and channel with 2 subscribers, probably also bot channels, channel is so do not believe this. Dave will always reply using his own verified channel, this is a definite scam which likely wants to either spam you with adverts or try to get "postage" out of you, which Dave will never do.

Edit, actually 2 accounts now. YT really needs to get a better way to handle these impersonators and the sex site spammer posters as well.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2022, 08:36:49 am by gnif »

Offline hahalolha

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2022, 08:41:16 am »
Hi Dave!!

I'm a 17 year old from Melborune and I'm currently completing YR 12 (hopefully). I couldn't watch your Jaycar sale vid because as soon as I saw the thumbnail I got jealousy overload! If I'd had known that was happening up 'ere I would've walked the 3+ day walk haha  ;D . I hold an AOCP-F (Amateur radio foundation) cert and I was undertaking a course at my local club (Shoutout to the NERG!) for the Advanced class but then a specific event occured which I shall not name :palm: (think back a couple years, an unprecedented global event). Anyway.

I've been tinkering with stuff since I was probably 12 or 13. I self taught myself the majority of beginner electronics theory then studied and read up upon some more advanced stuff for the Advanced license class (amplifiers, standing waves, other wizardry). Oh I also built an antenna for recieving weather satellites in 2019 for a school project (well technically two but who's counting anyways...)

I have absolutely no plans for next year, I should but I don't. Wonderful indecision  ::) as always, Its only your gateway to set up your entire rest of your life, no biggie  :-+ . I've always said to myself that I wanted to get into aerospace engineering but lately I've been in a computer science rabbit-hole, cryptography seems really awesome.

I don't quite know what else to add, actually I have an idea!

A Proclamation;

"The more tools an engineer possesses, the greater their productivity„ - Me

As you can see from my profesionally made graph (attached hopefully, if I did it right) you can see a clear correlation between Productivity and # of Tools. I believe this is due to the human trait of "having new things to play with„ however I may be wrong...

Thats all from me (for now). I'll definitely be enjoying my time on the forums :-+
- Jonathan

P.S. : odd thought I had after writing this block of text, I remember when you made your initial videos on LBRY/odysee I asked myself if a YouTube alternative was even possible. It's awesome seeing Odysee thriving now with its own little community. Youtube really has turend into a s#it hole over the last 6 months.  :blah:   :=\

Offline Irukanji

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2022, 09:31:33 am »
I'll keep it short and sweet;

Current second year industrial engineering student, looking to get into embedded system design for environment monitoring stuff, control systems, etc. Unfortunately I don't speak 1s and 0s yet so an oscilloscope would be helpful to translate and learn some things I never understood(like op-amps and filter circuits).

edit: actually just saw you said kid, I'm 32 so I guess I'm too old for the comp.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2022, 09:37:01 am by Irukanji »

Offline stevetech

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2022, 10:25:11 am »
Hi Dave,

I'm an 18-year-old student doing my first year at QUT studying Computer Science, I also want do an "Introduction to Electrical Engineering Studies" minor but it doesn't show in my minors thing although it's on the website.

I've had an Arduino since I was about 12 (Year 7) but I've recently been getting interested more dedicated ICs, for example I got this VFD from Jaycar and I've been getting it to work with a couple shift registers and a few transistor arrays, then I designed a PCB around it just for more fun (My first PCB didn't work lol, ignore all the jumpers). 1561513-0 1561519-1

One of last semester's uni projects, only had to involve a Raspberry Pi, wasn't really expected to use the GPIO, but I did anyway and I made a car thing with an L293D motor controller IC and some LEDs (video if this sounds interesting).

Also my VFD project kinda prepped me for this semester of uni, since we're learning AVR assembly on a "QUTy" (ATtiny1626) and this week's task is to control the seven-segment display using the shift register, which I've already done 2 weeks ago.

I've also been wanting to design a PCB with a MAX31790 so I can control 6 fans over I2C but it's not in stock for the JLCPCB assembly, SMD soldering seems really scary, and the alternatives only seem to do 1 fan. 1561525-2

While the only time not having an oscilloscope bothered me a lot was when I was experimenting with an ESP32's MCPWM, I'm sure it'll get used anyway, there's only so much I can guess from a multimeter haha.

Edit: Seems like that attach things didn't work, but you get the idea which is which.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2022, 10:41:51 am by stevetech »

Offline SeeJayDee

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2022, 05:46:35 pm »
Well, I'm 31 years young, recently graduated Mechatronics Engineering and have just moved into an apartment where it's looking like I'm not going to be able to fit my venerable 20MHz Phillips CRO anywhere it'll be easily usable, as space is at a premium and I've accumulated far too much junk that I'm planning to fix up "eventually".  :-DD

I have a Hantek handheld oscilloscope-functionGen-multimeter which is OK for occasional use but the UI is horrendous. Also got one of the Hantek USB scopes which served me well in uni but again, horrendous UI.

In my spare time I play around a bit with RTL-SDR, funky-sounding guitar pedals, ESP8266/-32 based home automation, and more. Most projects exist only on paper or as ziploc bags of parts!
Currently trying to attach RGB LED strip's to wheelchair wheels and implement motion-based patterns and beat detection.
At work, I've been developing various systems for monitoring light pollution and urban glow. We're not an engineering company so I take my handheld scope on occasions where I need one (as the CRO isn't portable, hint hint ;) ).

So why should I get the scope? Well, I would really like something with an FFT!
None of my scopes have that feature and I always seem to find myself in situations where it coulda woulda shoulda been useful.

Additionally - if I find myself in possession of a decent entry-level DSO (with FFT), I would be more than happy to bequeath both my USB scope and CRO to anyone who missed out.
(Will send the USB off my own back but I'd ask to go halves on shipping the CRO, unless anyone lives in Perth and can pick it up).

So there you have it!

~CJ, 31yo Gen-Y trash from out West

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2022, 10:27:34 pm »
Morning, Dave

Hi well we all 16 years old really, I just change the base numbering system each year to reflect my mood, decimal system is so old fashion, that what i say to my self each morning, when i was just younger ,2 years ago, i used to repair VHS video recorders from the dump, change video heads, electronics, whilst at school, now trying to get back into electronics, 12bit res oscilloscope do wonders in the mystic dark arts of transmitter and power electronics, to keep me sane.

brains young, body is not.

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2022, 04:37:21 am »
Hi Dave,
I would love this product. very simply I help people try to understand electronics to the level I know (which is very basic). This product would help us expand this knowledge a bit more as anything to do with frequency would be easier to understand.
oh and of course I get them to subscribe to your channel (I will be honest I give them my 3 favourite electronics channels) and get them to go through the parts that matter.
Currently I have NO way of showing frequency and its relationship in a circuit and this would help.

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2022, 10:03:00 am »
Hey Dave,

Trying to get my 16 year old son more into electronics ( something I enjoy ) and thought this would be handy for him to use as I don't have an oscilloscope, but he won't post a message..
Not so sure you would send it "overseas" to Tasmania anyway.   ;)
I always enjoy your videos.



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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2022, 10:10:45 am »
 Hi Dave I’m Connor a budding 14 year old electrical engineer my passion for electrical engineering started when I took up the hobby of rc aircraft at 11 I always wanted to know how they work so i decided to learn electronics I started with a 5 power supply and a couple of components  (aurduino kit) I was able to make leds light up and motors run the day I got it I learnt ohms law and I was set since then I have made several different electrical projects starting with a bug zapper Tesla coil that failed because I could not get a kink less secondary coil so the resonance was destroyed but it did kind of work but that tiny coil would not cut it so I looked to car ignition coils the fist time I got it I talked to my grandfather and he said it was a pulse transformer so I came up with my oscillating relay design witch worked on a 12vac transformer driving a relay to switch a coil at 50hz this created pretty cool arcs but when I went to jaycar  I saw the Jacob’s ladder kit so I begged my parents for one so they got me it on my 13th birthday and I built it and it worked but due to a overheating IGBT and no oscilloscope I could not see what was happening so I begged my parents for a oscilloscope but it was too expensive so I had to take it back and move on to some lower voltage kits then I built a mother improved coil and it worked with awesome results so then I played with that for a while and then decided I need higher voltages so I turned to my 2 year old dusty microwave transformer knowing electronics I knew not to plug it in to 240vac so I tried my battery ( that poor battery was flat and dead by the end of that experiment ) and I mixed up the wiring and ended up putting my battery on the feedback coil instead of the primary this produced a massive almost 30000volt hot arc that got me really exited so I trued on my power supply at 30vdc on the oscillating relay with my electrician grandfather watching and it produced a 100000v blue arc that hurt to look at, nice fractals!! So I put that aside and did some schoolwork for a term and but when the next term came around we were doing electronics and mythbusters so I was so happy I would be able to show everyone the cool world of electronics so I made a giger counter out of a old crt monitor I used a pig tail neon out of the crt focus circuit and I bought 7 little 12volt batteries a pot and a beeper so I assembled till 11:00 at night and I tried it and to my surprise it worked it was able to pickup the electro motive force from the cfl hanging over my desk it was soo cool so I took it to school and all the teachers were amazed that I could build such a tool so I had to explain radioactivity and ionisation to at least 10 teachers and the top electrician of our school and for the mythbusters I made 3 amps because I had a annoying partner so the first one was a cheap eBay one but the next one was a tube amp using a 6l6 electron tube from altronics so I built it and it worked perfectly first time!! Then this term came around and we were doing Ted talks in extension science so I thought deep into all of my ideas, I had always wanted to build a pancake Tesla coil and I implemented it into my idea and bam I had a Ted talk on wireless cfls being lit up by a Tesla coil. So I got on to building it I needed a reliable circuit to drive some sort of hv coil so I thought back to my crts and found a zvs flyback coil so I got to building a driver with some of the Irfp460 mosfets that I had salvaged from a old  inverter but I eventually blew up every mosfet because I could not see what was going on inside because I did not have a trusty oscilloscope and all my multimeters were blown up by high Voltage so I turned to my old car ignition coil so I tried to get a driver but eventually I went to jaycar and purchased a pwm controller and it worked!! So I built the tank circuit and the secondary and primary of the Tesla coil and it was ready then my aerospace teacher told me about the aerospace awards for year 9 to year 10 so I took the opportunity and I’m now designing a drone that does powerline inspections but it wirelessly charges its battery from the electromagnetic radiation surrounding the powerlines so I need to create scale powerlines except the voltage was not scaled so I’ve got two 100kv microwave transformers that can give the voltage all I’ve got to do is create the scale powerlines and the drone I also need the oscilloscope for the drone to make a good full bridge rectifier for the battery charger and to monitor the charging waveform of the charger
In a nutshell I really need this awesome tool for electrical engineering and to try to understand transistors because I learnt tubes too fast and I need to see waveforms of every circuit I come up with.


Thank you for taking your time to read this and I’m sorry that it is too long.
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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2022, 10:13:09 am »
Hi it’s me Connor again hers some photos for my last post

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2022, 06:09:47 am »
Good on ya Dave, How about giving to a school? I work at a public school, we have arduino's and 200in1 kits, this would be great as a visual aide to give students the next level of learning. We currently do not have one. There maybe other schools local to you as well that would use one.

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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2022, 05:49:49 am »
Hi Dave, my name is Jonathan, I'm 16 years old from Melbourne, I do have an oscilloscope, well kinda! I built it myself from a kit that I bought. it is not the best but that's what I can afford atm  :-BROKE if I win your scope I will be very happy and thankful
When our tv broke I picked up another faulty tv of the same model and swapped boards and got the tv working again, since I got very interested in learning electronics and started buying DIY kits from jaycar and china and watching youtube and that's how I found your channel.
in the photos below my current scope and some of my tools.
If I win it will really make my day  8) if I did not win I will be happy but jealous to who wins the scope.
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Re: GIVEAWAY (Oz Only): Hantek Oscilloscope
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2022, 07:30:37 am »
And the winner is...

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