Hi Dave!!
I'm a 17 year old from Melborune and I'm currently completing YR 12 (hopefully). I couldn't watch your Jaycar sale vid because as soon as I saw the thumbnail I got jealousy overload! If I'd had known that was happening up 'ere I would've walked the 3+ day walk haha
. I hold an AOCP-F (Amateur radio foundation) cert and I was undertaking a course at my local club (Shoutout to the NERG!) for the Advanced class but then a specific event occured which I shall not name
(think back a couple years, an unprecedented global event). Anyway.
I've been tinkering with stuff since I was probably 12 or 13. I self taught myself the majority of beginner electronics theory then studied and read up upon some more advanced stuff for the Advanced license class (amplifiers, standing waves, other wizardry). Oh I also built an antenna for recieving weather satellites in 2019 for a school project (well technically two but who's counting anyways...)
I have absolutely no plans for next year, I should but I don't. Wonderful indecision
as always, Its only your gateway to set up your entire rest of your life, no biggie
. I've always said to myself that I wanted to get into aerospace engineering but lately I've been in a computer science rabbit-hole, cryptography seems really awesome.
I don't quite know what else to add, actually I have an idea!
A Proclamation;
"The more tools an engineer possesses, the greater their productivity„ - Me
As you can see from my profesionally made graph (attached hopefully, if I did it right) you can see a clear correlation between Productivity and # of Tools. I believe this is due to the human trait of "having new things to play with„ however I may be wrong...
Thats all from me (for now). I'll definitely be enjoying my time on the forums
- Jonathan
P.S. : odd thought I had after writing this block of text, I remember when you made your initial videos on LBRY/odysee I asked myself if a YouTube alternative was even possible. It's awesome seeing Odysee thriving now with its own little community. Youtube really has turend into a s#it hole over the last 6 months.