So this is a short one. It looks ugly, but its rather healthy, very cheap, fast to do (~15 min) and tastes great. And it can be modified basically every way you like.
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1 Cabbage of your choice. Or two. Doesn't realy matter.
1 Pack of diced bacon (or dice/cut yourself. Or leave out if you want it without meat)
1 Pack of Shrooms of your choice. I chose champignon. roughly 400g.
1 Onion.
- Cut Onions into small cubes.
- Brown onions in a pan or wok on medium to high heat.
- Add Bacon, if available, and fry to the desired taste
- Add Shrooms, cut to bite sized slices, and brown those as well.
- Add the cabbage, fry for a second, reduce the heat to medium low.
- Add a goood splash of soy sauce or any savory sauce you like (the one whose name noone can pronounce correctly works great, as does fish sauce)
- let that simmer for roughly 7 minutes or until the cabbage has softened a bit
- season to taste with salt and pepper