Have you considered adding an LC filter after the boost converter (for the 5 V rail) to mitigate the typical issues when running linear audio amps with SMPSUs?
Good question. I assume you're referring to the ripple from the switching converter getting to the headphones and causing various kinds of problems (EMI, excess power dissipation, weird nonlinear effects)? I haven't specifically measured that yet, but for now we can look at what the datasheets say.
The boost converter shows about 10-20mVpp ripple in typical applications, with that ripple in roughly the 1MHz range (could be 500k-2M from the specs). The power amp doesn't have gain or PSRR specs going out that far, but it does show the gain falling off sharply after 100kHz, and the PSRR is about 60dB at 30kHz. Can't really extrapolate from those points, though I'm not seeing anything that would immediately make me worried. It's also worth noting that the power amp has its own ~500kHz charge pump to generate a negative supply, and the manufacturer doesn't suggest any particular mitigation for that, either.
Only way to be sure is to measure it, though. Thanks for the suggestion!